
Adventures in Tanzania: “Can’t Wait” (Day 3)

January 6, 2011

So despite a 2nd day of bummer weather (rain, clouds, mud, cold), I’ve been keeping my spirits up with an iPhone loaded with soca, random conversations with Gabe and our driver Robert, and looking forward to meeting my little niece or nephew back in the states. I hung out in Atlanta for a week before Christmas awaiting the arrival of my sister’s little one (who was due to be born the same day as Jesus #nopressure), but when I left Baby Jesus had come and gotten his gifts and was celebrating Kwanzaa while Baby Coleman was still in my sister’s belly planning a New Year’s party.

My sis sent me an email that I was able to read in Kilimanjaro on Thursday night that leads me to believe my niece (or nephew) should be here by now! I think. It’s Sunday right? Is it Sunday in the US? Whatever…either way I CAN’T WAIT!! I wonder what it looks like? Does it look like me? Ok maybe not. Is it sleeping right now? Or up playing with Gigi (my Mom’s cool non-grandma name 🙂 Is it wearing one of the onesies we made at the shower? Whats it’s name? Is it a girl or a boy? OMG IF ITS A GIRL I’LL FAINT!! What does it like to eat? Can it have jollof rice and fried chicken yet? If so, we should do lunch! Does it like soca music?

SO MANY QUESTIONS!! I can’t deal!

I tried to get service today at the Serengeti National Park visitors center to no avail, even turning off airplane mode and risking a deluge of texts, emails, and a cell phone bill from hell, but I got…..nothing :(. (Damn you desert!!! Can you hear me now??? *shakes fists at imaginary satellite in the sky*)

The good news is, tomorrow night we are staying in a traditional lodge, and I’ll get the news! I’m gonna be an auntie y’all and if you didn’t notice yet….


Update: as of Friday December 28, 2012 at 6:36 PM – its a boy! Named Joseph Kofi. Still can’t wait to meet him lol 🙂


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