
Why This Friday is Finger-Licking, Run-Tell-That, I’d-Like-To-Thank-The-Academy Good

April 22, 2011

Something epic happened today. No seriously. People throw that word around a lot. I just heard it last night in a Wal-Mart Easter commercial and officially removed it from my vocabulary. But in this case it’s real talk. A guy went up on a hill,  let some crazy people call him allaway out his name and drive nails through his hands into a cross, leaving him to die. And he did this for people he didn’t event really know like that. People like me who weren’t even THOUGHT of back then.

Like, for real? I don’t even wanna give up the other half of my sammich or the last piece of chicken in the bucket let alone DIE for someone I don’t know. Even for the people I love, there is a small (as in single digit) number of people I would risk my life for. And when I say risk I mean come get you off the subway tracks if you fell and hope we both get back on the platform before the train comes “risk”. Not like, you know die all the way like for real.

But He did that. With no hesitation. Now, I’m not suggesting you go out and nail yourself to a billboard to profess your love for humanity because frankly, death is just not a good look for abundant life. It’s a little counterproductive to this whole Good Friday thing (that whole “I’ve come that you might have life” stuff)

However, if that is our charge, and the ultimate sacrifice by our Best Friend in the entire universe was made for it to be possible, the least we can do is accept that responsibility. Dude DIED so we could live. So live! Not just “I have a pulse” live. Live life like you mean it. Live like tomorrow depends on it. Live life like this is your only shot at making that sacrifice worth it and make The One who made this life available to you proud of His creation. Fulfill your purpose. Love others for no good reason. Help people who don’t deserve it and maintain the integrity of the divine image you have been made in.

Dance when no music is playing. Laugh till it hurts. Get excited! You’re alive! And it’s all because something epic happened today and the least we can do is rejoice and be glad in it. If you’re unfamiliar with this way of living but believe in what happened today then I’d like to officially welcome you to the Finger-Licking, Run-Tell That, I’d Like To Thank The Academy, Kanye West Dipped In Holy Water Good Life!

Make today your best day. And make tomorrow even better. Then repeat.

Happy Good Friday!


This post was originally published as a note on Facebook. To view the original click here and read additional Facebook randomness click here

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  • Reply Dana April 6, 2012 at 3:57 pm

    I don’t just ‘like’ this piece, I freakin’ LOVE it! Yes! Live! And live well, with purpose, with joy, with intention. Show Him that you appreciate this opportunity called life and recognize that it was the ultimate sacrifice that made it all possible! If you believe, give thanks and make how you live an example of why Jesus’ death was the greatest gift you’ve ever received! Today is epic indeed!

  • Reply Joymarie April 6, 2012 at 10:12 pm


    This is an amazing post and an amazing charge! We have a RESPONSIBILITY to live, love, laugh and fellowship with one another. This post truly opened up my perspective. Never quite heard a Good Friday message like this, but I like it! Keep ’em coming, Sawrah!


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