
Thank You!!!

May 25, 2011

Hey guys! I’m back! It’s been a while since my last post but the past month has been insanely busy for me. I’ve been busy planning an event with my new business partners, the Curly Girl Collective. In the midst of meetings, conference calls and running all over New York in preparation for our launch this past Sunday, I started to see posts on Twitter about the 2011 Black Weblog Awards. I recognized it from last year because several of my favorite bloggers were running and were constantly tweeting about voting for them. Their 3 week takeover of my timeline was slightly disturbing, but whatever…I voted anyway. And they won!

Being a newbie in the travel blog world, I didn’t really think I’d have a real shot in the “Best Travel Blog” category so I went the New Kid on the Block route, campaigning for a shot at Best New Blog or Blog to Watch. I mentioned it on Twitter and Facebook a few times and hoped I’d get enough votes to make the ballot. The night the nominations were posted I had actually forgotten about it and casually noticed a few tweets from bloggers announcing their finalist status. Okay let me stop lying. I STALKED the announcement page like it owed me money, refreshing the page constantly as if that would signal to the webmaster out in California that the crazy travel chick from Brooklyn was ready for the results.

The fact that they divided the categories into 5 separate categories and required an email address to pass the first page perplexed my fingers causing them to descend into a frenzy of clicking and scanning for several minutes as if they had never been taught how to use The Internets. I frantically searched for Best New Blog trying to find my name when I passed the Best Travel Blog category….


I made it!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG *gasps* OMG OMG OMG *texts sister in a frenzy of gibberish, all caps and exclamation points* OMG OMG OMG *points at the screen as if it can see me* OMG OMG *closes mouth, sits up, looks around and acts like nothing happened*

If you know me you know I’m not exaggerating lol..that was my reaction. I could not be more surprised and honored that enough people though so highly of my blog to nominate me for this category. I’ve only been blogging since December so I am elated to say the least to even be on the ballot!

So, here’s the fun part – you get to hear from me for the next 2 weeks! Every hour on the hour, reminding you to vote! Not just for me but for the countless other great blogs in so many cool categories (vote for me) including gossip, sports, beauty (vote for me) fashion, and even new categories like Best Plus Size blog and (vote for me) Best Green Blog (recycle, then vote for me)

So, in conclusion. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your nominations!! Don’t forget to vote! Oh, and vote for me. And tell your cousin, uncle, homegirl, bruhman from the 5th floor, cousin pookie ‘nem on yo’ Daddy side to vote for me too!

(just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss that 🙂

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