
Checking In and Giving Thanks

November 22, 2011

Hey guys! How have you been? I’ve missed you so much! I hope the end of 2011 has been treating you well and that the next six weeks are full of family visits, belly laughs, excessively large meals, butter laden desserts, holiday party shenanigans, good tidings, comfort and unreasonable amounts of joy.

So much as been going on with me in the past month that I looked up and realized I haven’t posted here in over a month! *gasp* I know, I know, blasphemy in the world of social media but I promise I haven’t been home chillin’, watching Vh1 Soul and eating chinese takeout on my couch. Okay maybe that one day last weekend but that’s it. I promise I’ve been busy! Right after the Apple Picking trip, an amazing opportunity came out of nowhere and threw cold water on my face, waking me up from a long slumber in my career. It shook me, told me to wipe the drool off my face and get dressed for an interview the next morning. So I went, and before I knew it I was knee deep in the interview olympics for the next few weeks. And I won! Gold metal in smiling pretty, sounding smart and believing in what felt like a dream. My trophy is now sitting in my wallet – a grey business card with my name and new agency on it! 2011 is WINNING I tell you!! *does backflip* *looks around to make sure nobody saw me fall*

In addition to the interview olympics and the following adjustment period, I’ve been knee-deep in planning an exciting fundraiser for the Passport Party Project! It’s going to be a virtual trip around the world with tastes, sights, sounds, and sips of cultures and countries spanning the globe. Putting the final touches on it so look out for invitations after I’ve completely stuffed every inch of my stomach in New Orleans this week.

So overall I’ve been busy, but not too busy to check in with you guys and say hi! *waves* More posts are definitely on the way since winter travel season is allawayturnedup as of this weekend. Just got back from Florida and between now and the end of the year I’ll be in New Orleans, Atlanta, Barbados, Columbia, SC (home sweet home) and a possible last-minute trip for New Years. About to head home shortly to pack for a few days laughing with and learning from the people who have supported my dreams since I was little. I’ll be giving thanks for all that this year has blessed me with and reflecting on the people that made this year awesome. I hope you do the same, survive Black Friday and return to work on Monday refreshed, plump and ready to finish 2011 with a bang!


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