Travel, Travel Stories

My Solo Trip to Barbados

December 9, 2011

Barbados was a snooze button for me. Not in the sense that it was somehow a boring vacation, but it was a virtual pause button on life that allowed me to just breathe in the goodness of another culture. Don’t you wish that actually existed? Like, a real life snooze button you could press that would just stop life for a second? Sometimes it feels like life is a series of alarms that last all day – time to go to work, time to eat lunch, time to turn in the project, time to take the test, time to have drinks with the client, time to go to class, time to feed the kids, time to walk to the dog. It’s always time to do something and though it’s a sad reality, we need to schedule time off if we truly expect to indulge in such a thing.

Normally when I travel I have a full agenda planned to explore my destination thoroughly and record my experience in photos and writing. However, this trip is different. This trip is my snooze button. I have no agenda. I booked this trip back in September with the sole purpose of relaxing on one of the top 10 beaches in the world at a 4 diamond hotel. And I didn’t really know what 4 diamonds meant but I didn’t care because it sounded like a place I wouldn’t mind leaving for 4 days if I chose to do so.

The Crane has so far proved itself to be worthy of the aforementioned bling in it’s rating. I’ve been traveling to the Caribbean at least once a year, sometimes more, for about 10 years now. This hotel is by far the nicest I have ever been to. When I walked into my room I thought for a second they had brought me to the wrong room and was worried they were gonna charge me for the mix-up, but luckily the Groupon that I used to get here had indeed guaranteed me a junior suite that is bigger than my apartment with a private balcony, massive bedroom with couch, desk and television, a bathroom the size of my bedroom and a jacuzzi big enough to sleep in if I wanted to risk drowning in my slumber. There’s even a tiny kitchen where I could cook if I chose to do such a blasphemous thing on vacation.

The sweet girl who showed me all of my room features encouraged me to take the catamaran rides and swim with the turtles and all sorts of other things but her words went in one ear and out of the other as I sat complacent in the idea of having absolutely nothing to do for a few days. Well, theoretically. I’m of course still kind of “working from not really home” (new job life), in event-planning mode for the Jetsetters Holiday Fiesta on Saturday at Free Candy in Brooklyn, and doing post-event work for the Curly Girl Collective’s Curl Crush event last week (unbelievably shameless double promotion) but that can be done from right here where I’m typing this – on a pink sand beach in Barbados.

I may be here only for a few days but a snooze button pause can’t last too long or else you’d be that chick late to work with wrinkles in her shirt, mismatched socks and a roller in the back of her head. Not a good look. And besides, stay in the Caribbean too long and you’re liable to not come back (play with it – one of these days later in life that may happen for me) So I plan to indulge myself the next few days in the best of nothingness – no tours. No catamarans. No westernized restaurants or attractions. I’m eating down the street at the local restaurant and hanging with the homies at the Ostins fish spot tonight. I may go to town tomorrow. I may not. But it’s all good because my snooze button is good until Sunday night so rum punch and extended naps are fine until then 🙂

Bedroom the size of my apartment

Garden View Balcony

Bed the size of my bathroom

I actually got in and made a bubble bath and acted like I was 6. It was awesome!

Flying Fish is the BEST!! Shout out to Crane Palms down the street from the hotel. Delicious!

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  • Reply Andrea Tee December 13, 2011 at 3:09 pm

    This is so true. Some people pride themselves on having every hour of the day booked and some people just can’t help it. We all live busy lives. I am currently overseas working and everyone thinks it’s glamarous, but it’s not. I work more here than I did in the states, and I worked hard in the states.

    There is nothing like good ol “time off” no deadlines. No appointments. No schedule to keep. Just take the day as it comes. Whether that be stay in bed or take off on foot and end up wherever the wind blows.

    Glad you enjoyed yourself.

  • Reply April D. Thompson December 14, 2011 at 11:31 pm

    This is absolutely what I need right now. Tentatively planning a quick weekend to Barbados and the Crane might have to be my home away from home. Hate I missed that Groupon! Enjoy!

  • Reply TheGlamtrak December 16, 2011 at 11:17 pm

    Oy vey that beach shot is giving me life!!! Luckily for me, it’s a raging 70 degrees in Atlanta right now 🙂 Now if only I can find authentic Bajan “macroni pie” and some Mount Gay rum, I might just dodge the usual seasonal affective disorder…


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