
Learning How to Fall

January 1, 2014

It’s that time of year where everyone is reflecting on the year that has passed at the speed of light yet again. Our timelines and news feeds are bursting at the seams with reflections on the past year’s experiences. Some are giving thanks for a year full of blessings, while others are lamenting how they’re so ready to get this God-awful year over with because it was the worst year ever in life and the world is evil and the Illuminati is why the caged bird died and #ihateeverythingdotcom.


Whatever type of year this has been for you, it’s natural to have both sorts of feelings. Some years will lift you up so high you wonder how you got there. Whether it’s a new job, a new love, a new baby or a new perspective, when life lifts you up, it’s one of the best feelings in the world. You’re walking on air, singing down the street, high on the euphoria of grace and blessings.

But sometimes life knocks you down. And it kinda sucks.

Everyone has a fall in life every once in a while, so the fact that I took a little spill this year is nothing extraordinary. But it was the kind you don’t see coming, and when that happens, most of the pain from your fall is from shock.

You’ve seen it before. You’re in Target minding your business picking up those towels you came for and 14 other things you don’t need, and then some kid goes for it – face first into the floor in the middle of the aisle.

Then one of 2 things happens. If it’s a boy, nobody blinks, Mom gives him a side eye, and he gets up. His knee probably still hurts, but he’s more concerned about catching his little cousin halfway down aisle 3 than anything else. You breathe a sigh of relief that he didn’t break something, and go back to reading about the Kardashians in the checkout line.

But if it’s a girl….

*needle scratch*

*a hush falls over Target*

*Jesus hits the pause button on the world’s remote control*

Mom tries to front like she’s not worried, but then somebody’s Auntie in Aisle 6 is like “Baby are you okay?” And then….

That was me. Laid out on the theoretical floor of Target throwing an all-the-way-live tantrum at Mother Earth for allowing gravity to bring me to my knees. But the worst part is that I allowed my scraped knee to ruin my day, and the next one, and several more, until those days became weeks and then months and I’m still holding onto that raggedy  band-aid that’s now clearly old and needs to come off. I didn’t want to talk about how I tripped, or where I was running to or anything – just pouted in my room and refused to go out and play, because running is how people get hurt.

During my extended temper tantrum healing process, I stopped writing. Not because I didn’t travel or have experiences, but because I didn’t have the emotional energy needed to give to the stories I tell on my blog. While occasionally I will post a restaurant review or a recap of place that I visit, overall this blog is a journal of my life. My stories come from a personal place, and I share emotionally and authentically in hopes that my stories will inspire someone out there to do something new. Travel further, love harder, take risks, travel solo, jump off a cliff, live abundantly, and run fast and furiously towards all forms of happiness that life has to offer!

Even if you’re not into football, you gotta love this play by Auburn’s Chris Davis this season. Amazing!!

So if I’ve learned anything this year, it is that you gotta keep running. Athletes fall all the time and the best ones fall super hard. But the reward for those who believe in where their legs can take them is worth every spill they take on the practice field (shout out to Auburn’s Chris Davis!) Whatever spill you took this year, use it as a way to adjust your strategy in this marathon of life. It may or may not get you to your destination faster, but it’ll definitely make the run a lot more fun.

As for me, I’m back to writing, am planning some amazing trips this year (including St. Barths, The Grand Canyon & possibly Burning Man), and I also plan to take up running in preparation for my 3rd Trinidad Carnival next month! (Despite the fact that I hate running and am super clumsy and fear if I go too fast I’ll trip over the air beneath me, fall off the treadmill and die). But 2014 for me is all about trying new things to get different results so running without being chased is a part of that plan.

Besides, I now have a little nephew that just started walking and will be running soon. In the process of figuring it all out, he falls several times a day, constantly having to dust off his knees and try again. If he can do it, so can I.

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