
Paris, St. Barths & 9 Other Places I’m Headed This Year!

February 3, 2014

I’ve found the best way to turn dreams into reality is to write them down. So here it is – my 2014 travel lineup of all the places I’m headed. While I don’t have the money yet,  or a travel buddy for every trip, and I’m quite possibly making up vacation days that don’t exist, it’s amazing what happens when you put your desires out into the universe.

That said, I’ve always wanted to go to Europe guess what…



I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!! I’m going to Paris! My first trip to France, and my first trip to Europe believe it or not! This is a last minute trip for a client meeting in Jarnac, France, but I’m floored at the opportunity to experience one of the most romantic cities in the world. For free! And of all the days I’m there, it’s Valentine’s Day! So my plan is to spend the day exploring the city and spending quality time with the love of my life – food.

This is where I need your help! Where should I go? What should I eat? What’s the one thing I HAVE to do while I’m there? Let me know –  I’ll be putting together my itinerary this week and would love your suggestions on my first European adventure!

Trinidad Carnival, Queens Park Savannah, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago


So ever since my first trip in 2011, I’ve kinda sorta been addicted to soca. And feathers. And glitter, and rum and J’ouvert and everything that makes Trinidad Carnival like Disney World for grown ups. This time I’m traveling with an even bigger crew, and playing mas with the infamous Tribe for the first time! With a crew of about 15 people, two J’ouvert parades, tickets to my favorite party on planet Earth (Sunnyside Up) and a 2 full days in Tobago when it’s all over, this carnival should be one to remember! (or not!). For daily updates live from carnival follow my new Instagram account @bktraveladdict.


I had such a great time last year with the OHPsalms #travelfamily that I had to come back for their epic 10 year anniversary trip that includes trips to four Caribbean islands! OHPsalms does an impeccable job of planning and preparation for these trips, (and the beauty of this trip is not having to plan anything but my outfits) so I’m looking forward to whatever is in store for this year’s Memorial Day getaway. Stay tuned for a #TBT post on my experience last year with the #travelfamily.



The last time I went to Essence I was a 23 year old starving graphic-design-student-slash-waitress-slash-part-time-photographer in Atlanta. So I did it like any other broke 23 year old would do, stayed in a closet-sized hotel room with 5 other girls and spent most of my time downing daquiris on Bourbon Street. I remember catching a brand new artist named Jill Scott in the Superlounge, and becoming a fan of Luther Vandross after seeing him in concert for the first time, but other than that it wasn’t anything I felt compelled to return to.

Fast forward a decade or so, and my interest in Essence weekend has returned, but for different reasons. Essence offers some really great panel discussions and other networking opportunities with some people and brands I’d love to work with. So I’m headed back to New Orleans to indulge not only in my favorite food in the country, but for their 20 year anniversary which is sure to be one to remember. Oh, and Prince. Yeah, that’s happening, and I’ll be there!



Every summer when I was little, my family would road trip to the coast of South Carolina for a week-long vacation, and it was a tradition we all looked forward to (except my parents who were often subjected to screaming matches between me, my sister, and our two cousins who came with us each year. Good times!).

Now that we’re all grown up, we’re trying to keep the tradition going, and this year we’ve chosen Arizona as our destination. I’m definitely looking forward to visiting a state I’ve never been to, and crossing another American landmark off my bucket list.



So Last Fall a coworker told me he was going to this thing called Burning Man, where you spend a week in the desert and have to bring everything with you to survive for the duration of the trip. And if you run out of things, you have to barter with other people out there since there are no stores nearby. And thousands of people come – like a mini-city that shows up, creates artwork in the middle of the desert, burns it to the ground, and then leaves. And I told him he must be smoking Colorado’s finest to think that sounded like a good idea. But when he got back and I asked him how it was, the peaceful expression on his face piqued my interest enough to consider it. When a close friend of mine said she was going, that was enough of a sign that I need to experience this. If you or anyone you know is headed to Burning Man this year, send me an email so we can connect!



It’s been nearly 3 years since I went to my first social media conference, Blogging While Brown, but I’ll never forget how motivated I was to incorporate the key learnings and best practices from the conference into my blog. 3 years in the digital world is like 72 in real life, so it’s about time I attend another conference to catch up on the latest. I’ve always wanted to attend Blogalicious so I’m adding it to my calendar for 2014, because their theme this year is #BeGreat which sounds like a recipe for awesomeness.


familytimeChristmas is my favorite time of year hands down. Regardless of what city I land it, I always spend it wrapped up in the love of my family and friends. The stories, the soul food, the belly laughs, the fellowship…it’s all what makes Christmas magical and why I’ll never be that daughter or cousin who never comes around during the holidays. My loved ones mean far too much to me, and even with the normal stress of extended family time, there’s a Bojangles in South Carolina and biscuits make everything better. So I’ll be home again to get my family time (and my Bo Berry biscuits) this December 🙂

So that’s my list! Where are you headed this year? Have you made a list yet? If not, do it now, set up your travel account and watch your year take on a wonderful turn for the better!

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  • Reply Claire February 4, 2014 at 5:42 pm

    Paris is amazing! I loved all the museums and typical tourist stuff, but one place you might not hear a lot about is the Bon Marche Grand Epicerie. This is the grocery store to end all grocery stores. When I was there in the summer they had wild strawberries for sale, and also marshmallow fluff in the American foods section. It’s in a cool neighborhood and is attached to a department store with all kinds of fancy clothes, but I was more interested in the food. There’s a lot of prepared stuff so you can plan to have a meal there. Also, just in general I would eat as many pastries as you can. I STRONGLY recommend the Knopf Mapguides Paris book. It is super useful! Hope you have an awesome time. Oh, and if you plan to take in a bunch of museums, buy the Museum Pass and you will save a lot of money.

  • Reply Kamaria Morgan February 4, 2014 at 6:10 pm

    Your year of travel is going to be AAAAMMAAAZZZING!!!! I absolutely LOVE Paris…see below for a few must- sees! I’ll also be in Trinidad for Carnival andddddddd I play with TRIBE!!!!!! T-20something days and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m totally bummed that I can’t get tix to Vale for Sunday…so please sell me on SunnySideUp! All the best to you in 2014 and I’ll be sure to introduce myself if I see you in the streets!

    So I’m sure you have the major stops on your list already – Louvre, Arc de Triomphe et. al….add in a few of these points if you can 😉

    – Picnic (barring its not freezing) in the Palais-Royal Gardens (do it for the Gram)
    -Chocolate crawl in St. Germain- actually anything in St. Germain…cutest neighborhood, amazing food
    -Laduree- you haven’t had macaroons until you’ve had them here…
    -St Ouen Flea Market- I scored some really nice vintage magazines and accessories

    I can go on for days…if you need any carib party suggestions or any other questions email me at


  • Reply Kali Blocker February 4, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    You have me contemplating the Essence Festival and Blogalicious! Glad to see your new groove with the website this year 😉

    I’m headed to Colombia, Panama, NYC (home), and then either Ghana or Brasil (for Black Consciousness Day/ Dia da Conciencia da Negra). Not doing as much travel as you, but a bit more than I did last year.

  • Reply tyty February 4, 2014 at 7:39 pm

    nice i am also heading to Paris and Barcelona in May. Enjoy

  • Reply Frantzie February 5, 2014 at 4:06 am

    I adore this:

    “I’ve found the best way to turn dreams into reality is to write them down….”

    You go girl! Inspired! It’s great that you’re asking for suggestions, but man I will forever learn on my last trip to Paris…sometimes it’s ok to forget your friend’s recommendations and discover! Talk to the people! Throw everything out the window! Kiss a stranger! Fall in love (even its just for 24 hours) or have a 10 minute romance! Yeasssss!

    Happy traveling to you!

  • Reply Racquel U Adore February 5, 2014 at 1:53 pm

    Hey if you need a travel buddy 🙂 !!

  • Reply Danielle February 6, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    This sounds amazing! I have to travel more..

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