Travel, Travel Tips

My Amtrak Journey + 5 Tips for an Amazing Ride

January 5, 2015

As I write this post I’ve been on my way to New York from New Orleans for almost 3 days now. I know, crazy right? This trip could have easily taken 4 hours via flight and I could have been watching cooking shows on my couch by now. However, back in New York there are holiday parties and window displays and up to 75% off at Bloomingdales and oooooh I wonder if that Michael Kors bag is on sale, and sweet baby Jesus if this family of 17 would get out of the middle of the sidewalk I can get home before my Caribbean spot runs out of curry goat, but first let me check GroupMe to see if anyone is out at happy hour and….wait, where was I going with this.

Oh. Distractions.

While I love New York like a home cooked meal, sensory overload is a way of life there, and as the year draws to a close, I always like to get away and focus my goals for the next one. As a little girl I remember loving our long rides from South Carolina to New Orleans to visit family, so I decided to take a train from NOLA back to New York.

This trip has been everything I wanted it to be. I took naps. I wrote down my goals, edited them, and questioned them like Annalise Keating in court, making sure my argument for achieving them was rooted in purpose. I sat quietly and looked out the window, watching state lines pass without signage or a welcome message from my airline app. Most of the time I didn’t know what city I was in and didn’t have a signal at times, but who needs a signal when you are passing by scenes like this (I literally just stopped to take this picture as I was typing.)

Passing over the Susquehana River in Delaware

Passing over the Susquehana River in Delaware

On top of the scenery, traveling by train introduces you to to people you’d never speak to on a flight. I had long conversations with conductors, learning that many of them had been with the company for decades and the crew was like family. I asked one guy what the craziest thing was that he had seen on the train and died laughing when he said a girl on Meth stripped down completely naked, walked into the dining car and wondered why people were staring at her. A young brother was in the cafe car with me studying for the MCAT, and while I wanted to ask him what college he attended and where he was applying, and go into my “you can do it young brother we need more of you/I believe you can fly/You is smart you is important..” motivational speech, I remember the focus it took to study pre-med biology in college and left him alone.

While a train ride isn’t your fastest option, it’s a definitely something to consider if you’re willing to slow down and enjoy the journey. Here are a few tips to make your trip even more awesome than mine has been:


Amtrak Viewliner SuiteGET A ROOM

If you’re traveling overnight and can swing the price, I suggest getting a room in the sleeper car. I was lucky enough to upgrade to a Viewliner roomette last minute, and while it was super awkward to have a fold-down toilet next to the bed, (what engineering school dropout designed that?) it was nice to be able to sleep in privacy and stretch out without looking homeless. Some rooms come with one bed and the in-room toilet situation, while others have up to 4 beds, a couch and a shower/toilet down the hall. All rooms include meals. Prices vary widely ($250-$900) based on train route, number of beds and timing, but definitely look into it if you’re doing an overnight trip, especially if your’e traveling with someone else. It’s like 2 flights, a hotel and meals, and the dollars make more sense.

The Flask LifeBYOB

Unlike air travel, ain’t nobody sweating that 5th of brown liquor you smuggle onto the train. I’m all about the flask-life, but somehow forgot hit the liquor store in New Orleans before I boarded (which is a fail because you can buy liquor at the grocery store, drug store, corner store, Wal-Mart, in the middle of the street, at the confessional booth at church, and pretty much anywhere in New Orleans so I had no excuse.) There’s liquor available on the train, but it’s those little underachiever mini-bottles just like flights, so bring your own stash and it will come in handy with that sleep situation if you don’t have a room.

slide_317276_2917078_freePACK SNACKS

So there’s plenty of food on both short and longer-distance trains, but don’t think you’re about to get smothered pork chops and collard greens up in that joint (OMG how awesome would that be? An all-you-can-eat buffet with all the fixins? Soul Train for real! #DearUniverse) Sadly, it’s more like diner food. A solid 3 stars and on the pricey side for the quality (esp if you’re a food snob like me).


My steak with peppercorn sauce was actually pretty good at dinner, but I swear the caesar salad had McDonalds croutons and I spent a good 20 minutes at breakfast trying to figure out what wild animal had sacrificed it’s life for the “chicken” maple applewood sausage.

amtrak_fallTAKE A FALL TRIP

On a train ride you spend much of your time sitting by a window. And what passes you by is often small towns and countryside between big cities. Since my trip was during winter, much of the landscape was in winter-mode: kinda dry & depressed looking. I can only imagine how beautiful it will be in Spring when Cherry Blossoms are blooming in the Northeast or in Fall when the foliage peaks in the mountains! There’s even a Dome Car on the Montreal route with windows on all sides to give you an even better view. If that’s not your chosen route, you can still maximize your experience by traveling mostly during the daytime, and in an optimal season for scenery.

rail_passesHOP ON & OFF

Several times along the way I wished I could have gotten off and explored a bit, but a single ticket doesn’t allow this sort of flexibility. However, Amtrak offers Rail Passes that allow you anywhere from 8-18 stops over 15-45, days respectively. If you’re doing a longer trip across the country or through some interesting places, consider a rail pass where you can hop off and enjoy the attractions of small town America, or visit friends in cities along the way!


As I write this we are approaching Penn Station and the 3 hour ride from DC felt like 20 minutes. The time really flies by and it’s far more relaxing than the many airport catastrophes I’ve experienced (like that one time I threw a full out toddler tantrum at the airport b/c of a cancelled flight and they were all like “Ma’am we can get you there by the 27th,” and I’m all like “WHAT ABOUT CHRISTMAS THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING WHYYYYYY!!”) The next time you have extra time, schedule some quality time on a train ride with your family, friends, or that special someone and experience the remarkable beauty this country has to offer.

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  • Reply Rhonda Washington January 5, 2015 at 1:58 am

    Happy New Year!! My sister Sharee and I have not purchased our tickets yet, but will be departing Columbia, SC to Fort Lauderdale, FL Labor Day weekend via Amtrak. It will be our first Amtrak ride. We will be departing Fort Lauderdale for a 7 night cruise to Haiti, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel, Mexico. We depart from Columbia, SC via Amtrak almost 2am in the morning and arrive to our destination after 5pm. On the way back we arrive back early Monday morning in time to go home and get ready for work at 8:00am….We also will be using our AAA Card to get discounted tickets. We are looking forward and excited about this journey. Thanks for this post.

  • Reply Tryphena Wade January 5, 2015 at 2:18 am

    What a wonderful story! I’ve been wanting to take a cross-country train for some time now. Thanks for sharing this. You have a really humorous writing style!! God Bless.

  • Reply Francesca One Girl: One World January 5, 2015 at 4:07 am

    This post was really useful… bookmarking it! I loveeee taking train rides through Europe but never considered doing one in my own country! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Reply Nadeen January 5, 2015 at 6:21 am

    Sounds like you had a great trip (except for the food ;). I grew up in the northeast and loved taking the train between cities from Washington DC to Philadelphia to NYC to Boston. So convenient and relaxing compared to dealing with traffic. I then took Amtrak a few times from Virginia to Florida including the auto train. I agree with you that any sleeper car is better than none and I hope to do that in the future!

  • Reply Bianca @itsallbee January 5, 2015 at 10:31 am

    I would love to do a train journey around the US. Last time I was in the US, we drove to Benton Harbor where I noticed a convenient stop for the Amtrak. I might be doing a train stop there as I propably want be driving around on my next visit. Its such a beautiful stop and the perfect place for a pit stop when the weather is on your side.

  • Reply Dana Carmel @ Time Travel Plans January 5, 2015 at 11:57 pm

    This sounds amazing – I love train rides (although I’ve only taken a few). One question though: what were the bathrooms like? I’m a bathroom snob, so I’m just curious…

  • Reply Dana Carmel @ Time Travel Plans January 6, 2015 at 12:00 am

    To clarify, apart from the toilet being by the bed, how was the shower situation? Was your shower in your room or down the hall?

  • Reply CajunFlash January 8, 2015 at 8:03 pm

    Great story! You have me planning a train trip already. Will definitely remember the spirits!!!

  • Reply Takeyah February 3, 2015 at 12:24 am

    Thanks for sharing. I have been wanting to take the train across country and your tips are helpful. I’ve done an overnight train from Singapore (through Malaysia) to Bangkok, so I understand the beauty in slowing it down. Amtrak is definitely more plush than that experience. I’ve taken the Amtrak auto-train and that worked out great. I will definitely check out the Rail Pass, as I think it would give me the type of experience I am looking for.

  • Reply Katreice Jackson February 5, 2015 at 12:19 am

    I absolutely loved this article. My husband have thought about taking an Amtrak trip for awhile. We have to do this soon!

  • Reply pinchas April 7, 2015 at 2:39 am

    good post! ty! :).

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