
My First TV Appearance!!

June 29, 2015

Hey guys!

I’m super excited to announce I’ll be on TV for the very first time as a Travel Expert on a new talk show called The Security Brief. I’ll admit I was thoroughly confused when the producers asked me to do a travel segment on a show about security. Like, what does skipping across the world in search of beaches and epic meals have to do with security? And what kind of security are we talking here? Is this like B613? Is Jake gon’ be there cause honey if so, sign me up and put me in his green room.

When I arrived on set, I couldn’t find Jake, but I did meet the host Paul Viollis who completely contradicts everything you would expect from a security specialist. He was warm and funny and made a lot easier for me to not faint on camera in front of our live studio audience. While the angle of the show is about security, Paul’s mission really is to use all the knowledge he’s amassed in his 30+ years of training to help everyday people know their rights and protect them from the everyday crimes we all fall victim to.

The show is structured with true crime stories at the beginning, and ends on a lighter note with tips – that’s where I came in! Paul and I joked around as I showed him some interesting ways to protect yourself and your money while traveling abroad. I was definitely shaking inside the whole time (like please don’t let my clumsy behind fall on this set in front of all these people and omg what if I forget my lines and omg I’m so nervous I might pass somebody call my pastor….) But the staff said I did great so I can’t wait to see how it all turned out! Tune in this Wednesday July 1 to see for yourself, and celebrate with me on Twitter as I wobble all up and down your timeline in celebration of this amazing opportunity! Happy Birthday to me!



Click here for more info on the episode and follow The Security brief on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram (@SecurityBriefTV) for the latest

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  • Reply Dana C. June 29, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    I’ll be watching and wobbling too! *Get in there! Yeah, yeah!*

  • Reply Junio June 30, 2015 at 12:18 am

    Won’t want to miss the live streaming.. Proud of you!! Can’t imagine you being scared…

  • Reply Nichole June 30, 2015 at 1:58 am

    So dagum proud of you!

  • Reply Nadeen June 30, 2015 at 4:26 am

    That is awesome. Congrats!

  • Reply Yeri Bridgett July 10, 2015 at 1:45 am

    So cool!! Congrats!!

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