Travel, Videos

6 Months Later: Reflections on India & A New Life

August 24, 2015

As I watched this video for the first time today, I’m shocked I was able to get through the interview without tearing up. I had just been laid off at my former agency, and had so many emotions going through my head the entire week. To be suddenly unemployed, and follow it up with a 4-country trip around the world only seven days later felt irresponsible at best. But with only a week to figure it all out, I decided to move forward with my plans.

As I said in the interview, every single day in India was a beautiful surprise, and I have absolutely no regrets about taking this trip. 6 months later I’m gainfully, and most importantly happily employed, working for myself and doing what I love. It just goes to show you there’s always a method to the madness. In the midst of what may seem like a storm, always follow your heart.


Holi Festival of Colors in Jaipur, India


Outside the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

My heart led me to Abu Dhabi, India, Zambia and South Africa on a journey that reminded me that the most important experiences we will ever gain aren’t listed on our resumes. The roles of storyteller, travel-cheerleader, cliff-jumper and elephant rider and may never make it to my Linkedin Profile, but are some of the most important jobs I’ll ever have. I take the job of motivating people to see the world and experience the abundance of what this Earth has to offer very seriously, and do a little dance every time I get an email from a reader who has booked a new adventure because of something I shared. I thank India of being part of this process of self-discovery, and am thankful for the community that made it all possible. You can make a living, or you can design a life. The choice is yours.

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  • Reply erica August 24, 2015 at 6:39 pm

    Thank you for sharing your travel experiences. I have been to thailand and hongkong..I love to travel. Travelling is life to me. It’s about experience and enjoying every part of this world. I am from brooklyn, surrounded by many cultures. To see so many different beautiful faces, how can I not want to go where they came from to experience their world for a few days.

  • Reply Terri September 20, 2015 at 4:34 am

    Incredibly inspiring to me! I am in a similar situation..needing to trust in God to stay independent and follow my heart!

  • Reply Terri September 20, 2015 at 4:35 am

    Incredibly inspiring to me! I am in a similar situation..needing to trust in God to stay independent and follow my heart! Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply Kyha Wright July 18, 2016 at 12:50 pm

    This is awesome. I am a Certified Travel Agent and will participate in a Fam trip to India October 2016. I am travelling with a group of other agents, but will meet them in India. I am flying from the USA alone. Needless to say I am nervous, as this will be my first international trip flying alone. I am excited and nervous. Thank you for providing insight and encouragment to woman like me and I look forward to reading more of your post.

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