Giveaway, Travel Tips

Walking Tour App Giveaway: GPS My City

April 27, 2016

Did I ever tell ya’ll about that time I got lost in Costa Rica in a neighborhood with no addresses, and tried to get home by telling some strangers I lived “by the bakery?” (the equivalent of telling someone you live near McDonald’s.)

Or what about that time I got lost during J’ouvert in Trinidad and thought my Momma was gonna find me on the news covered in chocolate and wearing a blinking cowboy hat?

Or maybe that time in Paris when…ok you get it. I stay lost clearly, and half the time it’s because I’m all about the carefree “play it by ear” method when it comes to discovering a city. Which is totally fine, as long as you have an international plan with GPS and access to Queen Google who knoweth all.

But as expensive as travel can get, everybody ain’t able to add another $75-$100 to every trip just for cell phone service. Well apparently there’s this nifty little app called GPS My City that gives you walking directions to all kinds of attractions in a bunch of cities around the world – no GPS necessary! Their list of cities has a ton of places I’ve been to before, including Johannesburg, Cape Town, Paris, Salvador & plenty of other hot spots I need in my passport. Most cities have a few different walking tours you can take in various neighborhoods, and some indicate specific interests like art or shopping. The only thing missing is my #1 interest of food, but maybe they’ll hire me to hit these places and create one 🙂 #DearUniverse

In the meantime, they’ve given me 20 codes to  for you guys to download the app and try it out for yourself. If you want to enter the giveaway, head over to Instagram & comment on the GPS My City giveaway graphic with the next city you’re headed to!

Winners will be selected by Friday May 6, 2016. Good luck!

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