Travel Tips

Free Holiday Uber Rides from American Express

November 18, 2016

Taking a taxi to the airport during the holiday rush can require prayer, meditation, alcohol, or some combination of all three to make it to your destination without going off on a stranger. While booking a trip is pretty easy, the actual ride itself is where the shenanigans begin. There’s usually 2 scenarios:

  1. You call an Uber X to avoid stops, and give yourself extra travel time. But since everyone leaves town on the same days for Thanksgiving, traffic is insane. You make the flight (barely), but your ride ends up taking twice as long and costing double what you expected. When that receipt hits your inbox you soon realize that you’ll be walking home when you get back.
  2. You call an Uber Pool to save money, and the driver stops by the North Pole on the way. Then you get there and this chick doesn’t come out of her igloo within 2 minutes, so the driver leaves. You clearly miss your flight, and are now have some decisions to make. Because a same-day fare difference during the holidays could basically buy you new family.

If either of those were remotely familiar, and your wallet hurts just thinking about the next 2 months, I have some good news! American Express is offering free rides from select airports between now and December 31!

Unfortunately you probably read that just as fast as I did at first, and didn’t realize it doesn’t cover rides TO the airport. But at least when you land you get a free ride to Grandma’s house, and you know they got beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes…..

A video posted by iComplexity (@_icomplexity) on

Mmmmmm greens and hog…..

Okay where were we? Oh. “Select airports” immediately caught my eye, and I wondered if they were gonna play us and offer rides from the West Bubble Airport in Nowhereville. But the list is pretty comprehensive, including airports in NYC, Chicago, DC, Houston, Vegas, Boston and Seattle. Check it out below, and if your airport is listed, enter AMEXAIRPORT in the Uber app prior to requesting a ride. Then use an American Express Card for your payment.

For those with NYE plans, note the deal ends on 12/31 (I’m convinced it’s because the New Year’s Eve Surge is their big moneymaker and ya’ll ain’t about to mess that up!). Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Click here for more details on the promotion.

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  • Reply Nay December 14, 2016 at 6:55 pm

    Hello, first great read. Than you. regarding the 12 travel categories. You do not need to specific educational activities? Can you elaborate more?

    • Reply Tracey December 14, 2016 at 7:27 pm

      Hi! Did you mean to Cuba? No you don’t need specific activities. Almost any tour you do could qualify, and they likely won’t check. However just to be safe, I do recommend a little documentation – even if it’s photos or your receipt from whatever tour you take. Enjoy!

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