
Best Fetes of Trinidad Carnival 2018

March 14, 2018

Now that the post-carnival depression is starting to lift, I figured I’d stop being stingy and do a quick recap of the best fetes so my 2019 folks know where to go next year!  With 6 carnivals now under my belt, I’ve learned that every year is different. One year might be a chill year with a groovy vibe overall, while other years the tunes have a caffeinated steroids level of energy and you come home limping for a week.

Either way, it’s up to the organizers of the fetes to create a great time for guests regardless of the music, weather, venue changes and a million other factors that affect the experience. This year my crew went hard as usual, attending a total of 10 fetes in 7 days (in addition to Carnival Monday and Tuesday). In an effort to help the 2019 crew plan their trips, I’ve compiled a list of our favorite fetes of 2018. I’ve included both my personal faves, and our collective faves as a group. Check it out below, and vote for your own favorite here!

Best Food

You already know. Food is my #1 priority in life. This year’s dishes did not disappoint, with a wide range of selections that were good enough to go back for seconds. Or maybe that’s just me because I’m greedy. But I own it! In fact, I’m so greedy I gave extra points to those that had enough food for me to back for one last meal on the way out!

For my newbies (or people with normal appetites), I wouldn’t choose your fetes based solely on food. But remember the food is part of your ticket cost, so make sure you’re there early enough to get your money’s worth!

Usually the popular Beachhouse fete takes the top culinary spot because of their impressive spread of gourmet selections. But since we didn’t go this year, some others took the foodie crown.

  • My Vote:
    #1: DJ Private Ryan’s Soca Brainwash (Like 10 tents worth of food. Thick girl heaven!)
    #2: Candy Coated Wine Down (I had multiple plates of curry chicken, and I may or may not have taken a container of roast pork home.)
  • My Crew’s Vote:
    #1: Caesar’s Army AM Beach (They definitely had some of the best bake & shark and corn soup we had all week)
    #2: DJ Private Ryan’s Soca Brainwash
  • Your Vote: Click Here to Cast Your Vote

Best Vibes

Unless you’re the stand-around-and-look-cute type, the vibes should be a big factor when choosing your fete lineup. I’ll never forget at my first carnival fete back in 2011 – Tribe Ignite. I was floored at the energy at 6 AM when Machel Montano hit the stage. People were jumping and waving and dancing on top of fences and tables and I was like where has carnival been all my life?

While some fetes are consistently lit, vibes are hard to predict. A fete can be open bar with best DJ, the best music, and all the bells and whistles on stage, and the vibes still can be off. Another fete could be a “cooler fete” (BYOB) with no performances or decor, and you wish it would never end. This year, the vibes were great at several fetes, so this was a hard decision. Survey says…..

  • My Vote:
    #1: Silent Morning Boat Ride (I almost didn’t go to this and am so glad I did! This fete had the least frills of every one we went to but the vibes were the best! 2019 Tip: Definitely take the boat instead of the bus.)
    #2: Caesar’s Army AM Bush (Running into an open field at 7 AM with hundreds of people covered in paint will go down in the memory books for me!)
  • My Crew’s Vote:
    #1: Silent Morning Boat Ride
    #2: TIE. Caesar’s Army AM Bush and Candy Coated Events Wine Down
  • Your Vote: Click Here to Cast Your Vote

Best Production

As an event planner, I’ll admit I notice production more than most. I have a special appreciation for organizers that really pull out all of the stops when it comes to decor, activities, food, top shelf liquor, and overall experience. Some have fancy chefs serving the food, really cool drink options, and fun props you can wear or pose with. Others bring the drama on stage with confetti, lighting effects, smoke machines, and all sorts of Beyoncé drama during the performances.

Despite the price tag of these larger fetes ($150-$175), I’d recommend at least one in your lineup. Get there early, wear your good clothes, and take hella pictures with all the fancy props and signs. Then go in on all the food,  drink up all the Hennessy White you can handle, then post up right by the stage for the best view of the performances till it’s time go to home!

  • My Vote:
    #1: DJ Private Ryan’s Soca Brainwash
    #2: Vale Vibe Breakfast Party
  • My Crew’s Vote:
    #1 DJ Private Ryan’s Soca Brainwash
    #2 Candy Coated Events Wine Down
  • Your Vote: Click Here to Cast Your Vote

Best Overall
This one was hard. I got my entire life at several of these parties, and to weigh one against the other is tough. And to be honest, the experiences were all so different, it’s tough to even recommend a “best overall.” But with everything considered, from the food and production, to vibes, performances, and overall experience, the final verdict for Best Fete of 2018 is…..

  • My Vote:
    #1 DJ Private Ryan’s Soca Brainwash
    #2 TIE: Candy Coated Events Wine Down; Vale Vibe Breakfast Party
    Note: If Caesar’s Army AM Bush had kept their inflatable playground at the end of the route like previous years they would have taken my #2 spot!
  • My Crew’s Vote:
    #1 TIE: DJ Private Ryan’s Soca Brainwash; Candy Coated Events Wine Down
    #2: Silent Morning Boat Ride
  • Your Vote: Click Here to Cast Your Vote


Did you go to Trinidad Carnival this year? Which fetes were your favorite and why? Which fetes did we miss that are a must-do next time? Comment below so we all know where to go in 2019!

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  • Reply Orane Williams March 15, 2018 at 8:52 pm

    Since you missed Beach House the production was top notch and the venue was really nice. You got the seat breaze and views of the beach and the coolness of the amusement park with the attractions in motion and the vibe was beautiful.

    • Reply Tracey March 15, 2018 at 9:13 pm

      Nice! This was the first year we skipped Beach House to attend their competitor that shall remain nameless and…um, yeah. Never again. We’ll be back at Beach House next time!

  • Reply Sarah July 27, 2018 at 11:50 pm

    Went to my first Carnival last year.. was lucky because my family is from Diego Martin, had some friends to show me around but, we did not hit any major fete’s. For one I did not know HOW to get tickets, and two I don’t know if they could have afforded the ticket prices. Next year, It will be my gift but where and WHEN do you begin to be able to order tickets to these Fetes?


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