Travel, Travel Tips

How to Plan a Girls Getaway

March 19, 2014

The first time I traveled internationally with a group of girlfriends I was 23 years old. There were like 20 of us, fresh out of college, in the Bahamas. Go ahead and let that marinate for a second. 20 girls, 20 opinions, 20 itineraries and 672 bags of clothes. The weekend is a bit of a blur, but from what I remember luggage got lost, several people got cussed out, and 3 ended up #whitegirlwasted singing songs in the shower together naked.

That happened.

Fast forward 10 years or so, I still love traveling with my girls, but I’ve learned that taking a girls trip requires a bit of structure to balance good times and employment retention. There are a few key players you need on your team for any girls getaway, and luckily you probably already know these ladies and can tap into their expertise on your next vacation!



This person is key because if she’s not there, you’re bound to have someone book a flight to the wrong airport or be going off like The Mad Rapper  in Customs because they didn’t know they needed a visa. Your Organizer is the girl who makes lists and checks them twice. Or maybe 57 times cause she’s obsessively organized and really needs to get that checked out. Either way, you need her on board because she will help create your itinerary, organize transportation, keep everyone on schedule (within a reasonable CP time window), and ensure that despite the unplanned adventures you’ll inevitably embark upon, everyone knows what the game plan is.

Instead of “delegating” this position, the easiest way to choose The Organizer is identify the friend who does this with her normal life. That way it’s not a burden for her, and she won’t wanna fight you and your girls by the end of the trip.

Tip: Make sure to extend some sort of gratitude to your Organizer after the trip because though she may be a natural, it’s a lot of work.

TurntUpTammyPhoto by Dwayne Watkins Photography


Tammy is the best thing that ever happened to a Bachelorette Party. She’s the reason what happens in Vegas stays there, and will get herself into shenanigans you can only shake your head and laugh at. Turnt Up Tammy is a must for every girls trip because she will be the ringleader for every unplanned adventure that’s not on the list mapped out by The Organizer. She’s that friend with the gift of gab that can get you guys into any VIP area, crash parties ya’ll weren’t invited to and get you on random excursions you’d never dream of! Guys love to be around Tammy because she’s usually outgoing, talkative and having the time of her life. So naturally she always manages to find a group of guys for ya’ll to hang out with on your trip!

Another great thing about Tammy is that she brings out the Sasha Fierce in your girlfriends. She’s the cheerleader for your inner ‘Yonce and your “Yes Girl” for those times when morals cloud your judgement.

“Should I wear this tight skirt with the..” YES!
“Should me and Renee go on this boat ride with these cute British guys from..” YES!
“Should I go home with this guy I met tonight, he’s married but…” NOOOO! (Luckily fellas, Tammy isn’t crazy, just Turnt Up so don’t try to kick her off your girl’s next trip 🙂


TheProfessionalSo before you remove this chick from the trip’s email thread, let me explain. The Chaperone is the girl who will keep Turnt Up Tammy out of jail. Whether she’s the real attorney in the group, or just the one with the most home training, she’s the one in charge of employment retention on your getaway. When half of you are at the party hollering like goats, remaking the Drunk in Love video on top of a table, The Chaperone is sipping her Bellini and flirting with the bouncer to distract him from kicking y’all out of the party (or the country). She’s the one that will kindly tell Tammy to come out of that split on the dance floor because Facebook is watching, and will make sure everyone comes home to their jobs.

Now don’t get me wrong, The Chaperone isn’t a Debbie Downer or a killjoy. She’ll still take shots with the crew, and could probably dutty wine in a split just like Tammy but you’ll never see it on Facebook because she is a professional, with a job she wants to come back to, and just wants the same for you and your crew.


TheHIstorianOne of the biggest differences between a guys trip and a girls trip is that women LOVE taking pictures! From that iconic bikini shot at the beach, to every meal we eat while traveling, we wanna record everything! That’s why it’s so important to have The Historian on your team (instead of taking that group photo 14 times on 8 cameras, 5 phones, and that raggedy Kodak disposable that be like oh wait I forgot the flash oh wait just one more… #killmenow). She’s probably one of a few people in the crew that actually has a decent camera, and enjoys taking pictures. But luckily for her, The Historian has perfected that balance between enjoying the moment and recording it so she doesn’t miss a beat. She somehow manages to capture not just the posed shots, but also those candid moments that reflect the smiles, laughter and happiness you all shared on your getaway. The only drawback for the Historian is not being in many pictures, so make sure to offer to take a few so she can feel like she was there too when it’s time to post photos on Facebook!


So while I would never suggest bringing husbands, boos or any other male counterpart on a girls’ trip, it’s actually kind of fun to have a group of guys you know and trust on your getaway. The Homies aren’t there to supervise you guys or escort you to every event. They have their own trip and their own plans. However, y’all can pre-game together, kick it on the beach together, and share stories at a late night diner after Tammy got everybody kicked out the party (The Chaperone is so embarrassed). The Homies can also help relieve The Historian of her duties when it’s group photo time with all those cameras, and be on standby in the rare situation a wayward negro gets out of line with someone in your crew.

One important thing to note:  You don’t meet The Homies on vacation. They are your boys from back home or college or general friends that you trust and have “platonic relationships” with (Note the air quotes, ’cause at the end of the day, The Homies are still men so don’t get caught slippin’). BlurredLines

If The Homies are some random dudes you met at the airport, that late night diner trip can venture into blurred lines territory and the next thing you know y’all are back at their hotel dancing in your panties with a sheep wondering what happened.


And most importantly if some craziness goes down on the trip and it’s not your real homies, they won’t look out for you and your crew and they definitely won’t fight another dude over you. Choose The Homies carefully like you would choose anyone else in your travel crew, and they’ll be a fun addition to your next adventure!


Have you traveled with a large group of of girls? How was your experience? Are you one of the people on this list? Ever traveled with The Homies? Let me know! (And invite me on your next trip, I’ll be happy to be your Historian if Turnt Up Tammy is coming 🙂

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  • Reply Fab March 19, 2014 at 8:08 pm

    Awesome post Trace…per the usual! SO funny!

  • Reply Luvvie March 19, 2014 at 11:01 pm

    HILARIOUS and truth!

  • Reply Khalid March 19, 2014 at 11:16 pm

    Excellebt post T but what about avoiding crazy and creepy Maxi drivers?

    • Reply Tracey March 21, 2014 at 3:59 am

      Ha! Luckily The Homies are on standby to make sure nothing happens 🙂

  • Reply funmi pekun March 19, 2014 at 11:19 pm

    I definitely would consider myself the organizer. I create excel sheets, look for activities, and research the local maps.

  • Reply NatLat March 20, 2014 at 12:30 am

    This post makes me wanna plan my girl trip “STAT”. Wow it sounds like an awesome group of galfriends
    who lives life to the fullest when break time comes.

    • Reply Tracey March 21, 2014 at 4:00 am

      Thanks so much! The girls who inspired this post really are awesome and are a blast to travel with!

  • Reply Patrice March 20, 2014 at 3:22 am

    This is a great post. The Homies are “still men”. Lol this a great post.

  • Reply Tressa March 20, 2014 at 11:06 am

    I’ve been on a lot of trips and found myself being just about everything but the Historian. I used to feel stressed out about being the Organizer and then end up being Turnt up Tammy while on the trip. I guess that was the best way to release all the stress from being the Organizer. It’s always good to have the Homies in and around the trip.. ya never know when you need a bodyguard or diffuse aggressive behavior (of locals) in a party or just the right kinda dance partner who knows your moves. This was a great article! thank you for sharing!

  • Reply Christen March 20, 2014 at 2:37 pm

    Hilarious. I”m the organizer and the chaperone lol, basically mom

  • Reply Shivawn Brimage March 20, 2014 at 3:21 pm

    This article is awesome… As I was reading the descriptions of the different ladies for the getaways faces of my favorite girlfriends popped up in my head. There are four of us and we all fit in one of those categories. Matter of fact my next blog post was going to be about our annual trip to the CIAA tourney in Charlotte. Great read!!!

    • Reply Tracey March 21, 2014 at 4:00 am

      Can’t wait to hear about it! I’ve never been to CIAA and I’m from Columbia!

  • Reply Kristal March 21, 2014 at 3:37 pm

    I loved it! Great Post Trace!!!

    • Reply Tracey March 21, 2014 at 8:05 pm

      Thanks Kristal!

  • Reply Amber March 22, 2014 at 2:25 pm

    Loved this! Sending this to my homegirls, asap!

  • Reply Iris March 23, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    This post was excellent and sooooo timely. My girls are going on a short weekend trip and we can’t wait! I’m definitely “The Chaperone”,

  • Reply Bridgette March 24, 2014 at 3:00 am

    This is hilarious — such a fun read. It was actually included in a post last week.

  • Reply Monique April 21, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    This was so funny and accurate. Having my bachelorette party in Vegas and counting on The Chaperone to make sure we all make it back to NY with not a stain on our records.

  • Reply Rae February 6, 2016 at 8:52 am

    Really enjoyed this post, quite hilarious and I discovered it at the perfect time since I’ll be traveling on my first girls trip to Mexico next month.

  • Reply Kay Morgan February 17, 2016 at 1:04 pm

    Hilarious!!!! Loved this post…I’m definitely #TheOrganizer 😉

    P.S- saw you and your crew on the road in Tribe!

  • Reply Carmen February 17, 2016 at 3:37 pm

    I travel a lot but my local girl friends do not. I have attempted on more than one occassion to plan a trip but I quickly get irritated because of these type of ppl.
    1. People who always complain about price. They have the money but are so used to a 3 hr road trip that hearing the price to go out of the country is always a big deal.
    2. Peoplr who want to go but dont want to do anything. The wont go swimming they wont go on any adventure,they want to sit in the room or lay by a pool for the entire trip.
    3. The “did you see taken” chicks who refuse to go to any country that they have heard or seen something negative about. “Im not going to mexico, the drug cartel is there” or “im not going to Europe,did you see Taken, I’m not getting kidnapped”.
    4. The ppl who are soo ready but when it comes time to pay they never have the money.

    So after dealing with this for so long I’ve started traveling with 1 or 2 ppl who share the same ideas as me. These are ppl who live in other states but we all meet up at the same location.

  • Reply Valetie February 19, 2016 at 7:38 am

    We are in year seven of our girl trip I am the organizer and we have a Tammy . We travel internationally only and live in 3 different states there are 4 of us. the reason it works and we live for those 7 days with out spouses , boyfriends or kids is because it is organized and planned for 10 months prior. It is our end of the year trip with rituals and everything

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