Travel, Travel Stories

Speechless in Paris: Overcoming the Language Barrier

February 23, 2014

I’d love to say I stepped off the train from my meeting in Jarnac and ran into the loving arms of Paris with tears of joy streaming down my face, but that’s not exactly what happened. I was actually kinda scared. Not the kind of scared like when I got lost in the middle of the night in Trinidad, but just a little unsure of my next move because I couldn’t read or understand like…..anything around me. Not a sign, not a voice. Nothing.

On trips in the past, I’ve always been able to get by with my broken Spanglish, or if the country spoke another language, their signs, menus and other instructional materials also included an English translation.

But France? They’re not interested that English life. Not e’en a lil bit. Like straight up arms folded, bougie side eye on some “Oh you think I’m about to sound as silly as you do trying to speak English. What I look like, an American? Speak French you little pussy.”


So when I said goodbye to my English-speaking coworkers and set out to find my way in the Paris Montparnasse train station, I was paralyzed for a moment. Little things like finding the bathroom (which is not free apparently), exchanging dollars for Euros, and simply asking where things were was a challenge. I literally walked in circles between 3 different types of train ticket machines hoping one was an ATM, and gave up on getting a ticket from the subway kiosk because even in English I felt dyslexic trying to deciper the butchered translation.

Once I was finally ready to leave the station I called my Airbnb host to get directions. But have you ever tried to get directions from someone with a thick accent? She spoke English but I’m 157% sure that the words I was writing down were not the words coming out of her mouth. Even when I asked her to spell the word I was all like….


Thankfully, I have this crazy sense of direction so I was able to make it safely through the Metro stations, making educated guesses about where to transfer and what direction to go in, and arrived my flat in one piece.

All that to say, I learned a lesson yesterday. While it’s fun simply wander and explore a new culture, playing it by ear can only take you so far when the ears around you don’t understand the words you’re saying. A few years ago I took a random moped ride down the coast in Cozumel with a rough map, no GPS and no real plan for my ride. But when you can read signs and communicate with people it makes the spontaneity of your adventure more manageable.

When I leave my house today, I’ll have the Google Translate app on my phone, the travel guide my Mom sent me, the street map my host gave me and addresses for every place I plan to go. I’m sure I’ll wander off my “itinerary” for the day, because that’s really when the fun begins. But getting lost in a beautiful place is way more fun when you’re confident you can get back home.


Have you ever struggled bc of a language barrier while traveling? Ever gotten lost in a foreign country? How did you figure it all out? Share your experience!

photo (23)


Paris, St. Barths & 9 Other Places I’m Headed This Year!

February 3, 2014

I’ve found the best way to turn dreams into reality is to write them down. So here it is – my 2014 travel lineup of all the places I’m headed. While I don’t have the money yet,  or a travel buddy for every trip, and I’m quite possibly making up vacation days that don’t exist, it’s amazing what happens when you put your desires out into the universe.

That said, I’ve always wanted to go to Europe guess what…



I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!! I’m going to Paris! My first trip to France, and my first trip to Europe believe it or not! This is a last minute trip for a client meeting in Jarnac, France, but I’m floored at the opportunity to experience one of the most romantic cities in the world. For free! And of all the days I’m there, it’s Valentine’s Day! So my plan is to spend the day exploring the city and spending quality time with the love of my life – food.

This is where I need your help! Where should I go? What should I eat? What’s the one thing I HAVE to do while I’m there? Let me know –  I’ll be putting together my itinerary this week and would love your suggestions on my first European adventure!

Trinidad Carnival, Queens Park Savannah, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago


So ever since my first trip in 2011, I’ve kinda sorta been addicted to soca. And feathers. And glitter, and rum and J’ouvert and everything that makes Trinidad Carnival like Disney World for grown ups. This time I’m traveling with an even bigger crew, and playing mas with the infamous Tribe for the first time! With a crew of about 15 people, two J’ouvert parades, tickets to my favorite party on planet Earth (Sunnyside Up) and a 2 full days in Tobago when it’s all over, this carnival should be one to remember! (or not!). For daily updates live from carnival follow my new Instagram account @bktraveladdict.


I had such a great time last year with the OHPsalms #travelfamily that I had to come back for their epic 10 year anniversary trip that includes trips to four Caribbean islands! OHPsalms does an impeccable job of planning and preparation for these trips, (and the beauty of this trip is not having to plan anything but my outfits) so I’m looking forward to whatever is in store for this year’s Memorial Day getaway. Stay tuned for a #TBT post on my experience last year with the #travelfamily.



The last time I went to Essence I was a 23 year old starving graphic-design-student-slash-waitress-slash-part-time-photographer in Atlanta. So I did it like any other broke 23 year old would do, stayed in a closet-sized hotel room with 5 other girls and spent most of my time downing daquiris on Bourbon Street. I remember catching a brand new artist named Jill Scott in the Superlounge, and becoming a fan of Luther Vandross after seeing him in concert for the first time, but other than that it wasn’t anything I felt compelled to return to.

Fast forward a decade or so, and my interest in Essence weekend has returned, but for different reasons. Essence offers some really great panel discussions and other networking opportunities with some people and brands I’d love to work with. So I’m headed back to New Orleans to indulge not only in my favorite food in the country, but for their 20 year anniversary which is sure to be one to remember. Oh, and Prince. Yeah, that’s happening, and I’ll be there!



Every summer when I was little, my family would road trip to the coast of South Carolina for a week-long vacation, and it was a tradition we all looked forward to (except my parents who were often subjected to screaming matches between me, my sister, and our two cousins who came with us each year. Good times!).

Now that we’re all grown up, we’re trying to keep the tradition going, and this year we’ve chosen Arizona as our destination. I’m definitely looking forward to visiting a state I’ve never been to, and crossing another American landmark off my bucket list.



So Last Fall a coworker told me he was going to this thing called Burning Man, where you spend a week in the desert and have to bring everything with you to survive for the duration of the trip. And if you run out of things, you have to barter with other people out there since there are no stores nearby. And thousands of people come – like a mini-city that shows up, creates artwork in the middle of the desert, burns it to the ground, and then leaves. And I told him he must be smoking Colorado’s finest to think that sounded like a good idea. But when he got back and I asked him how it was, the peaceful expression on his face piqued my interest enough to consider it. When a close friend of mine said she was going, that was enough of a sign that I need to experience this. If you or anyone you know is headed to Burning Man this year, send me an email so we can connect!



It’s been nearly 3 years since I went to my first social media conference, Blogging While Brown, but I’ll never forget how motivated I was to incorporate the key learnings and best practices from the conference into my blog. 3 years in the digital world is like 72 in real life, so it’s about time I attend another conference to catch up on the latest. I’ve always wanted to attend Blogalicious so I’m adding it to my calendar for 2014, because their theme this year is #BeGreat which sounds like a recipe for awesomeness.


familytimeChristmas is my favorite time of year hands down. Regardless of what city I land it, I always spend it wrapped up in the love of my family and friends. The stories, the soul food, the belly laughs, the fellowship…it’s all what makes Christmas magical and why I’ll never be that daughter or cousin who never comes around during the holidays. My loved ones mean far too much to me, and even with the normal stress of extended family time, there’s a Bojangles in South Carolina and biscuits make everything better. So I’ll be home again to get my family time (and my Bo Berry biscuits) this December 🙂

So that’s my list! Where are you headed this year? Have you made a list yet? If not, do it now, set up your travel account and watch your year take on a wonderful turn for the better!

Travel Stories

My Relaxing Retreat in Las Vegas

January 20, 2014


This pretty much sums up the face I got when I told people I was headed to Vegas for a few days after Christmas just to get away for a while. Because, really, who does that? Vegas is where you make the kinds of memories that never see the light of Facebook. For real. What happens in Vegas typically stays there…in this sort of invisible force field around the city, fortified by a code of secrecy to protect stories of fake names, wedding ring tan lines, and memory loss (i.e. I can’t remember everything b/c I was so tired from the jet lag but we had a lovely time by the pool and barely even drank. Honestly, babe.)

But the purpose of this trip was quite different from what most expect in the City of Sin. This was my first time going to Vegas without an entourage of girlfriends and a bag full of stilettos. I had no bachelorette party to prepare for, or birthday girl to celebrate. I really went just to celebrate…myself. How often do we do that? Just take time out to indulge yourself in whatever makes you happy, for absolutely no reason. With my family in Ghana for the holidays, a week off at my agency, and Delta Gold Medallion status only a flight away, I figured why not!

Since my flight left the day after Christmas and my Mom had been in town for a few days, I didn’t have time to plan out the trip like I normally would. With some lounge clothes, dinner attire, a few books, and my journal in a small carry on bag, I  headed to Vegas with no agenda except to set some goals for 2014, and make sure I got the most out of the $100 food credit that came with my booking!

When I arrived in my room at the Bellagio, I put my bags down, opened the curtains so I could see the city lights, poured a glass of red wine and sat in a chair by the window. I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself. I had no plan. No happy hour to rush to or party to get dressed for. Nobody was texting to see what time we were heading out. Nobody to ask what they wanted to do only to have them ask me what I wanted to do. It was silent. I had spare time. I was in Las Vegas. Alone.

And it was awkward.

So I left. Because this is Vegas right? Why am I sitting in my room? It’s only 8:00 PM – time to “turn up”, right? So I threw on some heels and jeans and went downstairs to see what I could get into.

Ginger Grant Cocktail

Ginger Grant Cocktail



Crispy Shrimp Appetizer

After dinner and an amazing cocktail at Sensi restaurant, my first stop was the casino, because somewhere in my irrational mind I thought maybe I could maybe make my flight money back at the craps table. I saw a table with a few cute guys playing so I headed over and put down my $25 to get in on the fun. And besides, even if I didn’t win…3 cute guys, free liquor at the tables, who knows, maybe one of them, or better yet, all three of them could make my night a little more interesting in the City of Sin ’cause what happens in Vegas….


2 drinks, 30 mins, and $60 dollars later, I gave up on my dreams of getting the rent paid on the craps table and headed over to The Bank nightclub because it’s Vegas and according to my cab driver, half of LA was in town for New Year’s. Surely there was some fun to be had in there!

Wrong. Between the cigarette smoke in the club (gross) and a striking lack of “ethnic diversity”, my desire to party soon faded and I resigned to turning down in my room.


When I got home, I sat by the window, poured another glass of Cabernet, and turned the TV to the channel that plays the music that accompanies the fountain show in front of the hotel. While I’ve been to Vegas on multiple occasions, and had even stayed at the Bellagio before, I never noticed how beautiful the fountains really are. The streams of water swayed to the music and undulated with such precision that they actually looked like dancers lost in the rhythm of the tunes. I could almost see the dance moves the director likely was trying to emulate in the choreography of the water, and I was taken aback at the artistry of the design.

In that moment by the window it was clear to me why I had come to Vegas. It wasn’t to dance on couches or to get the rent paid on the casino floor. I was there to focus. To stop moving long enough to notice the beauty in the things around me, and shift my attention to things that are most important.

The next morning I  woke up early and watched the sun rise over the mountains that border the city. I spent the morning in bed, reading old journal entries from the past year and reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned. I ordered room service and read the local paper. I set personal goals for the year, and put dates on my calendar to accomplish them. I prayed. I reflected. I focused.

Then I headed to the spa to clear my mind. I sat in the hot tubs, rotating between hot water, cold water, and the steam room, indulging myself in what felt like a baptism of sorts. Dramatic, I know, but water has always been where I go to seek clarity and peace. Be it an ocean in the Caribbean, Prospect Park lake in Brooklyn, or my own shower after a long day at work, water has always been my happy place, so my time in the spa was a much needed refresher.

Over the next 2 days I focused on happiness and living in the moment, and was filled with a sense of optimism for the coming year. I spent time in the spa each day, ate some of the best meals I’ve ever had, made my $60 back at the casino, and boarded my flight home with a new direction and purpose that I can only hope everyone seeks and finds on a regular basis.

Before I took this trip, I was slightly ashamed at the amount I had spent on a last minute cross-country flight, and such an indulgent hotel stay by myself. But in retrospect, you really can’t put a price on finding purpose or peace. For every late night you put in at work, or weekend you bring your laptop home, there should be a return on that investment that goes back into your happy jar. Whether your joy comes from gourmet dinners, trendy clothes, the latest gadgets, or passport stamps, never feel like your pleasure is somehow guilty. Invest in your own happiness and your spirit will be rich enough to give to others when they need it most.



Learning How to Fall

January 1, 2014

It’s that time of year where everyone is reflecting on the year that has passed at the speed of light yet again. Our timelines and news feeds are bursting at the seams with reflections on the past year’s experiences. Some are giving thanks for a year full of blessings, while others are lamenting how they’re so ready to get this God-awful year over with because it was the worst year ever in life and the world is evil and the Illuminati is why the caged bird died and #ihateeverythingdotcom.


Whatever type of year this has been for you, it’s natural to have both sorts of feelings. Some years will lift you up so high you wonder how you got there. Whether it’s a new job, a new love, a new baby or a new perspective, when life lifts you up, it’s one of the best feelings in the world. You’re walking on air, singing down the street, high on the euphoria of grace and blessings.

But sometimes life knocks you down. And it kinda sucks.

Everyone has a fall in life every once in a while, so the fact that I took a little spill this year is nothing extraordinary. But it was the kind you don’t see coming, and when that happens, most of the pain from your fall is from shock.

You’ve seen it before. You’re in Target minding your business picking up those towels you came for and 14 other things you don’t need, and then some kid goes for it – face first into the floor in the middle of the aisle.

Then one of 2 things happens. If it’s a boy, nobody blinks, Mom gives him a side eye, and he gets up. His knee probably still hurts, but he’s more concerned about catching his little cousin halfway down aisle 3 than anything else. You breathe a sigh of relief that he didn’t break something, and go back to reading about the Kardashians in the checkout line.

But if it’s a girl….

*needle scratch*

*a hush falls over Target*

*Jesus hits the pause button on the world’s remote control*

Mom tries to front like she’s not worried, but then somebody’s Auntie in Aisle 6 is like “Baby are you okay?” And then….

That was me. Laid out on the theoretical floor of Target throwing an all-the-way-live tantrum at Mother Earth for allowing gravity to bring me to my knees. But the worst part is that I allowed my scraped knee to ruin my day, and the next one, and several more, until those days became weeks and then months and I’m still holding onto that raggedy  band-aid that’s now clearly old and needs to come off. I didn’t want to talk about how I tripped, or where I was running to or anything – just pouted in my room and refused to go out and play, because running is how people get hurt.

During my extended temper tantrum healing process, I stopped writing. Not because I didn’t travel or have experiences, but because I didn’t have the emotional energy needed to give to the stories I tell on my blog. While occasionally I will post a restaurant review or a recap of place that I visit, overall this blog is a journal of my life. My stories come from a personal place, and I share emotionally and authentically in hopes that my stories will inspire someone out there to do something new. Travel further, love harder, take risks, travel solo, jump off a cliff, live abundantly, and run fast and furiously towards all forms of happiness that life has to offer!

Even if you’re not into football, you gotta love this play by Auburn’s Chris Davis this season. Amazing!!

So if I’ve learned anything this year, it is that you gotta keep running. Athletes fall all the time and the best ones fall super hard. But the reward for those who believe in where their legs can take them is worth every spill they take on the practice field (shout out to Auburn’s Chris Davis!) Whatever spill you took this year, use it as a way to adjust your strategy in this marathon of life. It may or may not get you to your destination faster, but it’ll definitely make the run a lot more fun.

As for me, I’m back to writing, am planning some amazing trips this year (including St. Barths, The Grand Canyon & possibly Burning Man), and I also plan to take up running in preparation for my 3rd Trinidad Carnival next month! (Despite the fact that I hate running and am super clumsy and fear if I go too fast I’ll trip over the air beneath me, fall off the treadmill and die). But 2014 for me is all about trying new things to get different results so running without being chased is a part of that plan.

Besides, I now have a little nephew that just started walking and will be running soon. In the process of figuring it all out, he falls several times a day, constantly having to dust off his knees and try again. If he can do it, so can I.

Travel, Travel Stories

Chillin’ in Curacao

June 4, 2013

I was so annoyed. Like, totally bummed out. Here we are in the middle of the Caribbean with all the prerequisites for a day at the beach: Towel. Check! Sunglasses? Check! Teeny Weeny Bikini? Check! Sunshine……..

Ahem, Sunshine….

Wait….so you’re telling me the sun is gonna have the AUDACITY to not come out on our ONLY free day in Curacao??


I was done with Mother Nature for good. Real talk. (I’m a teeny bit dramatic in my mind sometimes – you would think there was a hurricane or something) As I sat there on the deck by the pool with entirely too much of the breakfast buffet on my plate, stewing in my #TellEmWhyYouMadSon moment, my 2 girlfriends Cass and Sim joined me at the table, temporarily distracting me from my internal tirade against the sun.

The deck was fairly quiet that morning, since we had no excursions planned and many of the people on our trip had yet to roll out of bed. The ocean waves softly washing ashore was a nice break from the sirens and foreign cursing on my block in New York,  so I was excited about doing absolutely nothing but laying on the beach and roasting to a nice shade of Rotisserie.

Then this young (lovely white toothed smooth skinned chocolate boy) staffer approaches our table, asking us “What do you think about some cardiovascular activity?” I’m like “Is this fool for real?” Then I read his shirt which stated “Activites Team” and realized we were probably being recruited for one of those corny resort aerobics classes where Blanche, Dorothy and their friends clap, shimmy and raise the roof to some awful techno music.

“No thanks,” we replied, and continued chatting until we finished breakfast and were ready to hit the beach. As we walked across the pool deck towards the ocean, we heard a calpyso beat, and noticed that the water aerobics class we had been recruited for had started.

“I think I wanna try it! We should do it!” said Cass. I looked over at her like What You Talkin Bout Willis but she was already drawn into the rhythm of the beat, dancing to her own moves as she sauntered over to the class. She and Sim tried to convince me to join but I was dead set on my rotisserie tan so I headed to the beach to wait for the sun to come out.

And then something interesting happened. The sun came out but it had nothing to do with the weather. Soca and African dance tunes were coming from the speakers and the energy on the pool deck had completely transformed. Cass has taken over the entire aerobics class, with a group of women from around the world grooving to the Ghanaian tunes coming from her iPod! She was in her element, happily teaching her new students (including the chocolate boy who was supposed to be teaching the class), and was so into the moment that she didn’t even notice what was taking place all around her.

The entire resort was captivated by her energy. People at the dining hall stopped eating and walked out to see what was going on. Folks on the beach had gotten up and were taking pictures. There was a whole crowd on the pool deck watching, and every time she finished one of her signature workout sequences and the music stopped – everyone burst into applause! It was magical, like the sun came out in one spot over her class, creating a spotlight that everyone couldn’t help but pay attention to.

Cass is no stranger to drawing a crowd, but what she probably doesn’t realize is how much she inspires people in the smallest ways. She’s a true friend who literally has sunshine coming out of her skin and helping people reach their fitness and nutrition goals makes her beam with joy so much that you can tell it’s truly her calling. So, I wouldn’t be a friend unless I asked for a few things from you guys (some would call this a shameless plug, but it’s more about supporting the dreams of people close to you 🙂

1) If you live in New York please check out her classes! They are a blast and if my 2 left choreography challenged feet can keep up, so can you. They are held on Thursdays from 7-8 PM at Mark Morris in Brooklyn, on Mondays from 8-9 at the Mad Cool Fitness Power Hours in Harlem, and one Saturday a month from 10-11 at Black River Dance Studios in Harlem. For her full class schedule please visit: and for more information on her class style (Kukuwa Dance) visit
2) If you are trying to tone up but haven’t had success, I HIGHLY recommend working with Cass to meet your personal goals. Her own weight story is proof enough that she knows what she’s doing. Check out how she dropped 10 dress sizes on
3) If you know of conferences, events, or resorts that feature a fitness component (classes, seminars etc.) please reach out to her! Both nutrition and fitness are her specialties and she’d be happy to speak or teach at your event. For more info please visit

At the final dinner for our trip, Cass won an award from OHPsalms (the company that organized our trip) for that special moment at the pool. All of us in the #travelfamily & #socabandit crew are super proud of you as you turn your passion into your career and will always be there cheering you on from the sidelines.



P.S. The sun eventually came out. And all was well.


This is what we did for 90% of the trip 🙂

Mel recreates the Curly Girl Collective logo in the sand

Cass kept the vibes going on the beach. Always bring your own music!

Chilling with the OHPsalms #travelfamily

Travel, Travel Stories

That Time A Lion Almost Had Me For Dinner

January 11, 2013

They say the best way to experience wildlife in the Serengeti is to live amongst the animals in what is commonly known here as “tented camps”. “They” being the imaginary travelers in the reviews on TripAdvisor. Frequent travelers know TripAdvisor reviews are like the holy grail of resources for globetrotters so when deciding where my friend Gabe and I should spend our 2 nights in the Serengeti, the tented camp was the clear winner, with folks raving about the food, the modernized tents, and being so close to the animals. I repeat, so close to the animals. More on that later.

When we arrived at Kati Kati Tented Camp after a tiring day of riding through the Serengeti, we were greeted with fresh juice and were told to have a seat for a “little chat.” I expected the customary “Welcome to our establishment” chat where they tell you where the spa is located and all the services offered by the concierge. But nope, this chat went something like this:

*insert thick Tanzanian accent here*
Here we have tent.
You each get a warm shower, twenty liters each person. Someone will come fill eet when you ah ready.
Our electricity is solar power so eet depend on the sun. But eet has been raining so…eet depend on the sun. (my face *__*)
The toilet flush every 10 minutes, push three time
Do not walk by yourself at night. Eef you want to leave your tent, a guard will come escort you. This ees because of the animals.

*needle scratch*

Wait. So. Yeah. Um. What? Animals? Like the ones like out here like that be huntin’ and stuff at night? Like lions and leopards and elephants (which are apparently destructive and belligerent). Oh, okay.

Gabe and I played it cool, nodded and were led to our tent. But from that moment I wasn’t right y’all. Like, it was that feeling at the top of the roller coaster right before you go down the big ass hill like….


At dinner I could barely concentrate enough to eat (and y’all know I’m greedy) so I ordered what my Dad calls “nerve medicine” – a bottle of red wine, which I intended to drink with or without Gabe’s help. After a delicious dinner, (like insanely good, like the best we’ve had since we arrived, like KFC lick your fingers with no home training good) and half a bottle of wine, we retired to our quarters.

Photos of Kati Kati Camp, Serengeti National Park
This photo of Kati Kati Camp is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Then the noises started.

*insert dramatic pause here*

I knew by a little demo our driver did that the sounds were lions. And they were close. Not like “in the distance” close. Or even “down the block” close. These hoes were like right outside. Like, I’m at the stove and the lion is by the refrigerator. Right outside the tent.

Now mind you. I’m never scared. Like ever. Like in 2003 when Bone Crusher would come on at 1:30 AM in the club and you’re on your 4th drank and start jumpin’ around like you have no home training tombout “I AIN’T NEVER SCARED!!!”

Hypothetically. If I were ever that ratchet. But still…

I ride the baddest roller coasters in Six Flags!!
I’ve white water canoed down Class 5 rapids !!
I’ve been SKYDIVING!!

(Editors note: the last 2 statements aren’t true but sound great for dramatic effect. Son.)

So yeah, I didn’t exactly pee on myself, but it was almost a Huggies moment up in this piece. Gabe got up and started peeking out of our window flap to make eye contact with the damn lion and I just knew he was about to make a 3 piece spicy meal out of him. I clutched the covers for dear life like that was going to protect me from Mufassa outside, and prayed we had zipped the tent properly like the camp manager had instructed us to.

Then there was another lion. Behind the tent. And these two homies are now having a conversation. The one in the front hollering at the one in the back of the tent like “Hey shawty what you getting into tonight?” I’m all like “Can’t ya’ll go talk about this somewhere else? For a while it was interesting to listen because even though I don’t understand lionese, the conversation sounded amicable – not aggressive. We learned later the sounds were mating calls, so indeed Mufassa was trying to holla, but really at that moment, I thought Gabe and I were dinner and dessert.

Throughout the night we heard a medley of sounds, from lion moans to the delicate feet of Gazelles galloping by. At some point I stopped listening for visitors and fell asleep. That night was the most terrifying yet awesome moment of the trip, and for anyone considering a Safari, I encourage you (despite my overly dramatic account of the wildlife lol) to skip the lodges and stay in a tented camp. As long as you don’t get eaten alive, you’ll thank me for it.

These photos of Kati Kati Camp are courtesy of TripAdvisor cause I was too damn scared to be taking pictures and stuff

Photos of Kati Kati Camp, Serengeti National Park

Photos of Kati Kati Camp, Serengeti National Park

Photos of Kati Kati Camp, Serengeti National Park