Travel Tips

Free Holiday Uber Rides from American Express

November 18, 2016

Taking a taxi to the airport during the holiday rush can require prayer, meditation, alcohol, or some combination of all three to make it to your destination without going off on a stranger. While booking a trip is pretty easy, the actual ride itself is where the shenanigans begin. There’s usually 2 scenarios:

  1. You call an Uber X to avoid stops, and give yourself extra travel time. But since everyone leaves town on the same days for Thanksgiving, traffic is insane. You make the flight (barely), but your ride ends up taking twice as long and costing double what you expected. When that receipt hits your inbox you soon realize that you’ll be walking home when you get back.
  2. You call an Uber Pool to save money, and the driver stops by the North Pole on the way. Then you get there and this chick doesn’t come out of her igloo within 2 minutes, so the driver leaves. You clearly miss your flight, and are now have some decisions to make. Because a same-day fare difference during the holidays could basically buy you new family.

If either of those were remotely familiar, and your wallet hurts just thinking about the next 2 months, I have some good news! American Express is offering free rides from select airports between now and December 31!

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Why I’m Not Leaving America and Neither Should You

November 14, 2016

It used to be funny. You know, that crazy joke about all the places we were moving to if Trump was elected? It was so farfetched that every week I saw a new post with someone threatening to throw up the deuces and ride this thing out in Canada. Or even better, take the advice of many of his supporters, and head back to Africa.

Well last Tuesday, that farfetched fear of a Trump presidency became a reality right before our eyes. It was like the news was reporting in slow motion, as state after state after state after…. wait, Florida? Okay well we can lose them, but if we win Ohio we can……Noooooooo!!! Not Ohio too…okay well…

*does the math*

*carries the one*

This can’t be happening…..

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How Traveling Has Made me Appreciate a Female President

November 4, 2016

For a long time I didn’t think a female president was a big deal. While New York yellow cabs have reminded me of my Blackness on a regular basis, my womanhood hasn’t been a noticeable burden in my life. For years I didn’t see what the fuss was about with the “glass ceiling” people referenced in corporate America. Especially since I’d managed to climb the ladder in an industry where women make up single digit percentages of leadership.

So unlike 2008, when my crew of friends lost our collective shit in my friend’s apartment on election night with tears and screaming from our 9th floor window, when rumors started to circulate that Hillary Clinton would run (and win), my response was “meh” at best.

However, that all changed when I traveled to India last year, and experienced what it’s like to feel completely inferior and powerless because of my gender.

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Travel, Videos

VIDEO: Stellenbosch Wine Tour in South Africa

October 14, 2016

Video is my latest obsession! While I still love taking pictures (and actually plan to take a photography class soon), video has a way of transporting you back to moments we often forget about. In this video I share a few of these moments from our amazing trip to Stellenbosch in Cape Town, South Africa.

Haven’t read about it yet? Check out the full story here.

If you’re headed there for Essence in Durban, or need another taste of Summer (October-February in South Africa!), definitely include a trip to this beautiful region in your itinerary!

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Travel, Travel Stories

A Wine Lover’s Dream in Stellenbosch, South Africa

October 5, 2016

By the time I graduated from college, I knew everything there was to know about wine. I knew white wine went with seafood, red wine went with red meat, and Mad Dog 20/20 went with pretty much anything, except those brownies they always had at the parties. Because one minute you’re poppin’ to Luke’s greatest hits, and the next minute you’re outside running laps around the building to cool off because that makes perfectly good sense during Summer in Florida.

Theoretically. Anyway, where was I..…

Oh, wine. Bae. My rainy day snugaboo and winter lifeline. Well the good news is, my palate has grown more sophisticated since college, and I’ve developed an appreciation for a much larger variety of wines. However, in my youthful ignorance, I assumed the best wines came from Europe. It wasn’t until my 30s that I discovered that South Africa is home to some of the finest wines in the world!

So when my friends were planning a trip to Cape Town, I was all like, “Grapes from the motherland….the blacker the berry…..we gotta try this stuff!” I was definitely being ridiculous, but either way, I was totally on board with the wine-lovers in our crew who planned to visit Stellenbosch during our stay.

Our day trip, led by Afrivista Tours, consisted of 3 different vineyards across the region. Here are a few highlights from each stop:

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Giving Back, Videos

VIDEO: Little Bay School Renovation in Jamaica

September 28, 2016

During my solo retreat at Rockhouse Hotel in Negril, I was invited to visit the Little Bay All Age and Infant School to see the work their foundation is doing in the community. That day was easily the highlight of my trip, and I hope to stay involved with their initiatives with schools in the area.

Check out the video to see my experience there, and see below for a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Donate directly
  2. Use Amazon Smile to donate 5% of your purchases to Rockhouse Foundation
  3. Bring supplies directly to the school. Click here to view their wish list.