Giving Back, Travel

Rockhouse Hotel: Changing Lives One School At A Time

September 26, 2016

Believe it or not, I’m actually a hotel snob. Despite the fact that I usually try to save by staying at Airbnb homes or hostels, I’m a sucker for chic decor, plush bathrobes, turn-down service and all the amenities that come with a luxury experience. But the way my bank account is set up….yeah. Doesn’t happen often.

However, birthdays are one of the times I allow myself to splurge. So after a few days at the big Dream party weekend in Negril, I checked in at Rockhouse Hotel which sits atop the infamous cliffs on the west coast of the island. With 2 restaurants, 3 bars, a spa, and jerk chicken on speed dial, I had zero reasons to leave the property. But my plans changed after I attended a welcome social and the folks from Rockhouse Foundation invited us all out to a local school that they had renovated. They showed this video, I fell in love with all the babies, and I knew I had to see everything for myself the following morning.

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Brooklyn, Videos

VIDEO: Pop Up Dinner Brooklyn 2016

June 17, 2016

The 2016 Brooklyn Pop Up Dinner was magical! Super diverse, well executed and a beautiful gathering of positive energy and good vibes. Watch the video for a glimpse of an amazing kickoff to Summer 2016!


Finally! An Affordable Ride to NYC Airports

May 11, 2016

I’ll never forget my first ride home from LGA on public transportation. I was fresh out of school, with barely enough money to cover my flight, let alone some yellow cab home to Brooklyn. So I hopped on the M60 bus, and started my journey home.

2 buses, 3 trains and 2.5 days later, I made it home and vowed to never put myself through that again. For $23 I could be home in 20 mins, so I started adding cab fares to my travel budget.

Unfortunately, my ride home to Crown Heights is at least $35 now, and from JFK the bill can be up to $50 with tip. I tried taking Uber pool once, but see here’s the thing. It’s all good until you’re 10 minutes from LGA, 15 mins from your baggage cutoff time, and the driver decides to go pick up a passenger in the Bronx. Then you gotta go all crazy Black chick on him in the backseat even though you he’s just doing his job, and he’s all like “But I’m gonna get in trouble,” and you’re all like “MY FLIGHT IS IN 5 MINUTES SHE CAN FIND ANOTHER RIDE!” and this is what you get for being cheap. Hypothetically.

So of course I was geeked when I found out there’s a reasonably priced shuttle service that leaves from Brooklyn! Continue Reading…

Giveaway, Travel Tips

Walking Tour App Giveaway: GPS My City

April 27, 2016

Did I ever tell ya’ll about that time I got lost in Costa Rica in a neighborhood with no addresses, and tried to get home by telling some strangers I lived “by the bakery?” (the equivalent of telling someone you live near McDonald’s.)

Or what about that time I got lost during J’ouvert in Trinidad and thought my Momma was gonna find me on the news covered in chocolate and wearing a blinking cowboy hat?

Or maybe that time in Paris when…ok you get it. I stay lost clearly, and half the time it’s because I’m all about the carefree “play it by ear” method when it comes to discovering a city. Which is totally fine, as long as you have an international plan with GPS and access to Queen Google who knoweth all.

But as expensive as travel can get, everybody ain’t able to add another $75-$100 to every trip just for cell phone service. Continue Reading…

Travel Tips

Traveling Natural: Why I Cut My Hair

April 15, 2016

In 2010 I hosted my very first “natural hair meetup” at my apartment. What’s that you ask? It’s when a bunch of natural chicks all get together and swap products and talk styling methods and bask in our kinky, coily, nappy-headed awesomeness.  My friends who literally talked hair all day long via email wanted to get together in real life to swap products and share tips. So being the chick that doesn’t know how to just “have people over”, I went into hostess mode and decided to decorate my entire place with photos of girls with dope natural hair.  I scoured the internet for hours, and stumbled upon this girl that I became immediately infatuated with: Continue Reading…

Travel, Travel Tips

5 Reasons Cuba Should Be Your Next Romantic Getaway

March 8, 2016

Picture this. It’s 5:00 on Friday, and you’ve had the longest week of all time. You’re exhausted, your boss is on that last solitary nerve, and you’re trying to think of a reason to not swing on the girl who touched your hair without asking. Again.

Suddenly, you get the text that makes it all better.

“Slight change of plans babe. We’re not visiting my Mom this weekend. We’re flying out tonight to the most romantic city in the world. Take a guess where….”

To be loved! Oh what a feeling! *shimmies*

Immediately your mind races to the feet of the Eiffel Tower, where the two of you are locked in a passionate kiss beneath the setting sun. No wait, he probably chose somewhere exotic! Some secret spa resort in Bali where a team of trained masseuses work out your entire life every morning with rare oils extracted from forbidden jungle berries.

“We’re going to Cuba baby!”

You open your eyes, stare at your phone, and blink. As much as you want to respond with excitement, you have so many questions. Don’t you need like a special letter from the President to go there? That’s how Jay-Z took Beyonce, right? And what makes it so romantic?

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