Travel, Travel Stories

The Best Fetes of TNT Carnival 2016

February 24, 2016

2016 was a rough year for fete planners! This year’s music didn’t have the high energy road marches and timeless tunes we’ve had in previous years, so fetes really had to bring it when it came to quality, food, activities, and DJs that can turn up a party regardless of the music.

My crew took it easy this year and only did 6 fetes (ha!), and while everybody had their favorites, there were some clear winners that we’ll definitely be hitting next year! Here’s the run down on where you and your crew need to hit in 2017. Continue Reading…

Travel, Travel Tips

Carnival over 30: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

January 31, 2016

At 32 years old, I took my first trip to Trinidad Carnival and it was the most exhilarating experience of my entire life. I barely slept, I sustained injuries I couldn’t explain and came home thirsty to do it all again. Initially I wished I’d discovered this adult playground earlier, but in your 30s you can afford the plane ticket and are mature enough to grind on oil-covered strangers for a week and return home without offspring.

However, you’ll need to channel that invincible energy of your 20s because carnival is not a game. Professional football players have been known to take carnival lightly and end up tapping out within a few days. So plan ahead and be prepared to dance like it’s paying the rent for seven days straight! Continue Reading…

Featured, Travel, Travel Stories

The Day I Ran Out of Money in Cuba

December 1, 2015

I’ll be honest and say I’m not the most conservative person when it comes to travel. I eat what I want, splurge on crazy excursions, and spend whatever I need to make memories on my trip. Besides, why would you come home from a trip with extra money leftover? To go to the mall when you get back? Girl, bye.

However, I quickly learned that Cuba ain’t the place to play with money. Credit cards connected to American banks aren’t accepted anywhere, and you can’t get money from an ATM. So you have to bring all the cash you need for the entire trip. A friend told me to bring more money than usual, but being unemployed at the time, I didn’t have much wiggle room. And besides, my trip with Spanning The Globe Tours was all-inclusive. How much could I possibly need in spending money?

Sooo…budgets (and responsibility in general) aren’t really my strength. So by the time I calculated my daily allowance, carried the one, and divided it by 5 days, I was all the way off. Below is the play-by-play of how it all went down my last 24 hours in Havana. It was by far the most nerve-wrecking day I’ve ever had while traveling, and further proof I need a chaperone (or a sugar daddy)! Continue Reading…

Travel, Travel Stories

My Helicopter Ride Over A Rainbow at Victoria Falls

November 5, 2015

2 weeks after I lost my job I paid $150 for a 12 min helicopter ride over Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe/Zambia. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and unequivocally one of the best days of my entire life.

I was literally shaking for at least 10 minutes after we landed. The rush was indescribable! If you’re heading to Victoria Falls and have never done a helicopter ride, DO IT!!!! Yes, in all caps with exclamation points, because it was just that amazing. It’s a quick tirip, but a once-in-a-lifetime experience you won’t regret.  Continue Reading…

Travel, Videos

6 Months Later: Reflections on India & A New Life

August 24, 2015

As I watched this video for the first time today, I’m shocked I was able to get through the interview without tearing up. I had just been laid off at my former agency, and had so many emotions going through my head the entire week. To be suddenly unemployed, and follow it up with a 4-country trip around the world only seven days later felt irresponsible at best. But with only a week to figure it all out, I decided to move forward with my plans.

As I said in the interview, every single day in India was a beautiful surprise, and I have absolutely no regrets about taking this trip. 6 months later I’m gainfully, and most importantly happily employed, working for myself and doing what I love. It just goes to show you there’s always a method to the madness. In the midst of what may seem like a storm, always follow your heart.


Holi Festival of Colors in Jaipur, India


Outside the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

My heart led me to Abu Dhabi, India, Zambia and South Africa on a journey that reminded me that the most important experiences we will ever gain aren’t listed on our resumes. The roles of storyteller, travel-cheerleader, cliff-jumper and elephant rider and may never make it to my Linkedin Profile, but are some of the most important jobs I’ll ever have. I take the job of motivating people to see the world and experience the abundance of what this Earth has to offer very seriously, and do a little dance every time I get an email from a reader who has booked a new adventure because of something I shared. I thank India of being part of this process of self-discovery, and am thankful for the community that made it all possible. You can make a living, or you can design a life. The choice is yours.


My First TV Appearance!!

June 29, 2015

Hey guys!

I’m super excited to announce I’ll be on TV for the very first time as a Travel Expert on a new talk show called The Security Brief. I’ll admit I was thoroughly confused when the producers asked me to do a travel segment on a show about security. Like, what does skipping across the world in search of beaches and epic meals have to do with security? And what kind of security are we talking here? Is this like B613? Is Jake gon’ be there cause honey if so, sign me up and put me in his green room.

When I arrived on set, I couldn’t find Jake, but I did meet the host Paul Viollis who completely contradicts everything you would expect from a security specialist. Continue Reading…