
50 Shades of Happiness at the Brooklyn Pop Up Dinner

June 15, 2015

I mean, it’s just a pot-luck, right? Why is it such a big deal? And what exactly am I paying for if I have to bring my own food? Maybe I should sit this one out before this kitchen gets the best of me….

These were my thoughts as I slaved over the stove trying to prepare New Orleans-style dirty rice in my 150 degree apartment this weekend. While a few friends had co-signed the event as a must-do event during summer in Brooklyn, I wasn’t quite convinced this picnic was all it was cracked up to be.


Until I walked into the Concert Grove of Prospect Park and saw the ocean of beautiful people all decked in beautiful white attire (something about all-white makes everything feel hella fancy!) Groups of friends and families were busy setting up their respective tables with enough decor to make Martha Stewart jealous, with everything from champagne flutes and chargers to handmade floral centerpieces. I looked around and felt like I had died and gone to bougie heaven! I ran into a few friends on the way in, and after the customary hugs and directions to our section, they all had the same observation:

“There’s a lot of Black people here!”


It was a pleasant surprise as I had expected to be in the minority at a function like this. With my own neighborhood of Crown Heights reducing it’s melanin levels at startling rates, it was refreshing to be in my own backyard, at classy affair, surrounded by the diversity that makes Brooklyn so great. The dinner portion was accompanied by a live band, which did some great covers that kept the crowd grooving as the sun set. And after dusk, the DJ took it up a few notches, delighting all the 80s babies with classic tunes like “The Choice is Yours,” (Black Sheep) “Poison” (Bel Biv Devoe), and “Hypnotize” (Biggie). By the time he brought it back to 2015 and dropped “Turn Down For What” folks were standing on chairs, belting out the lyrics to every song, and had turned their dainty little napkins into hand flags that waved beneath the Brooklyn moon.

The best part of the evening was looking around and seeing the unified energy of such a diverse crowd. While we all wore the same color, beneath our white attire was 50 shades of happiness, with latte, cappuccino and espresso all singing the same ratchet song lyrics. This sort of event appeals to so many different cultures, and is exactly the type of gathering that Brooklyn needs to remain united through the growing pains of gentrification. The Brooklyn Pop Up Dinner is only in it’s 2nd year, but if this year was any indication of the need for this sort of event, it will be around for many years to come. See you next year!


Travel, Travel Stories

How 12 Hours in Abu Dhabi Became The Best Layover of All Time

June 12, 2015

At around 7 AM on Christmas morning, my phone blew up with text messages about a fare glitch on Etihad Airways. When I saw a flight to India my friend Melody and I needed at half price, I didn’t sweat the details and immediately clicked purchase. Somewhere between opening gifts and eating my fourth plate of food, I actually read my itinerary and noticed we had a massive layover in Abu Dhabi.

“What!? 12 hours?” I texted Mel, “There ain’t that many camel riding selfies in the world! What are we supposed to do with all that time?”

“At least it’s during the day. Maybe we can do a tour of the city or something!” she replied.

With such a great deal, I wrote off our layover as a minor inconvenience we could deal with for the price, and went back to opening gifts with my nephew. Little did I know, our layover in Abu Dhabi would be one of the most awesome days of my entire life! From tears of gratitude at the mosque to tears of sheer joy on safari, the day was a roller coaster of emotion filled with surprises that reminded me of how much life can be lived in a single day.

Here’s the play by play on how it all went down:


We made it! This is so cool! It looks so different from any airport I’ve been to! But these signs are so confusing. And what terminal are we in? Wait, where’s Mel….oh no….she’s lost! No, I’M lost! People are everywhere speaking all kinds of non-English and this place is chaos and HELP I’M LOST IN ABU DHABI, JESUS WHYYYYYY????

“Hey, I lost you for a second. You ready? ” she said, unaware of my meltdown.

I played it off like nothing happened, and we set out together find the airport showers where we could freshen up for the day. The only problem was, understanding the airport signs requires a compass, an Arabic translator, and a mind reader, none of which we had in our carry-ons.

confusing_signHmmm….red moon…..paper towel machine….none of these say shower. Let’s keep looking.


Let’s see here…Divorce counseling. No, prayer! Yes! Maybe we should pray that one of these fine caramel fantasies I see walking around invites us to his mansion at the top of a sand dune where 2 servants can bathe us in water from the river Jordan and then….

“Tracey! Wake up! Look it’s the shower sign! We found them! Finally!”

And just like that our Pac Man adventure through the airport was over, and we were off for the first leg of our destination.



Upon our arrival at the Grand Mosque we noticed a sign that outlined the attire appropriate for entry, but didn’t sweat it since we had planned our outfits carefully. Or so we thought.

“You. No. You cannot go,” said the security guard.

“Whatchu mean I can’t go? Bruh. Do you know how many hours I flew to get up in this joint? You can’t be serious. My knees and elbows are covered, is it the bare wrist action I’ve got going on? You can’t handle these sexy fingernails?” I said in my head. In real life I looked down at my skirt and politely replied, “I don’t understand? What’s wrong?”

“I can see through your skirt”

Oh. All that semi-sheer summer breeze flow wasn’t going down on his watch, so we were instructed to go downstairs to change into long black robes. We looked like we had joined the choir in some Tyler Perry movie wearing all that heavy fabric, but luckily, once we got inside, our attire was the last thing on our minds.


The Grand Mosque is indescribably beautiful. It looks like God himself constructed it by hand and retouches it daily in Photoshop. It is impeccable, regal, and somehow remains serene despite the hundreds of tourists walking through its corridors. Mel was capturing video and it wasn’t until she watched it later that we realized the melodic chanting of prayer sessions were captured in the background.

It was the most impeccable architecture I’ve ever seen, and the 2 hours we spent there was just enough time to foster a deeper appreciation for a culture I had previously known nothing about.



Photo: Arabian Business website

A short cab ride from the Mosque led us to Emirates Palace, a 5 star hotel that makes the Bellagio look like a motel. The place was virtually covered in gold, adorned with crystal and probably wiped down daily with money, making their residences extremely attractive for wealthy travelers.

After sneaking into a fancy restaurant we couldn’t afford just to take photos by the water, and getting kicked off the waterfront patio where a private reception was being held, we realized we were slightly out of our league. Around the same time we realized that neither of us had slept the night before. So we decided to just sit down on some chairs in a hallway and rest.

“They probably think we’re homeless. We’re the only Black people in here. I should put out a collection plate.”

“What exactly is a night safari? How are we supposed to see the animals? I didn’t even read the website.”

Our random musings confirmed the fact that jet lag was getting the best of us, so we stopped talking and just rested until it was time for our safari driver to arrive.


A tall glass of caramel heaven walked over to me and politely asked “Are you Tracey?”

“Yes honey, and I make good wife for you,” I replied in my head. Unable to stop staring and form intelligent sentences I just nodded, and followed him over to our jeep for the journey into the desert. We were joined by an older couple and their daughter, who we chatted with as we rode into the countryside.


I had never seen a sand dune before and was blown away at how big they are. About 20 minutes and 800 photos later, we gathered back at our jeep to head to our next stop. Suddenly our driver got serious.

“Everybody must fasten their seatbelts, okay?” he said sternly. Unsure why it was so urgent, we complied and then headed to the top of a really large sand dune.

“Are you ready?”

Yes! I think? Wait, what’s happening…..


We were so not ready!! My God this jeep is going to roll over and we’re all gonne be on the local news. This can’t be legal! Does this fool really have a driver’s license?

So many thoughts rushed through our heads as the jeep maneuvered up and down the sand dunes at roller coaster speeds. The older woman in the back was a deer in headlights the whole ride, while her daughter hung onto the overhead handles for dear life. Mel was silently reciting 72 prayers per minute while I screamed with every adrenaline-inducing turn. It took a while to get used to the wonderfully terrifying rush of dune bashing, but by then end I didn’t want the experience to end!



A little quality time with the camels was just what we needed to bring down our heart rates as the sun began to set in the afternoon sky. We snapped a few photos, then made our way over to the campground where we could actually ride the camels. I had seen plenty Instagram photos of people smiling at the camera atop some camel in a desert. But what they don’t post is that photo of when the camel gets up off the ground.

To find out what happened next (Hint: the camel scared the Black out of me), click here to read the rest of the story on

Travel, Travel Tips

9 Smart Tips for Ladies Traveling Solo

May 11, 2015

Traveling solo is an extremely liberating experience that every woman should try at least once. You can do whatever you want without having to consult with a group or partner, and gives you the freedom to explore destinations at your own pace.

As a woman in a foreign country, you’ll need to take a few precautions to ensure an uneventful trip, so here’s a few pointers to keep you on your toes while you explore new cultures on your own terms.


International Plan

I swear Google is a woman because that chick knows everything. When you’re traveling alone, she’s the best friend you’ll ever have. If you get lost, Google Maps can help you find your way. If you need someone to understand the words coming out of your mouth, Google Translate can mend your broken Spanglish.

But if you can’t access data on-the-go, you can easily find yourself lost and frustrated. Pay for peace of mind with the best international data plan your carrier has to offer. That way you can use Uber, Spotify, and other data-draining apps without worrying about your phone bill.  In addition, every photo, phone call and social media post will be attached to your location, making your paranoid mother feel more secure as you galavant across the world!


Anker Astro Mini Charger

Smartphones are such underachievers these days. By the time you get off work, your phone is on life support, with barely enough juice to post your happy hour selfies. That’s a #firstworldproblem back home, but when traveling solo your phone is your most valuable asset when it comes to safety. Always carry a portable charger to ensure you have access to directions and taxis, and can place emergency calls. The one picture above one  carries a full charge for most phones, and is slightly larger than a tube of lipstick, making it easy to carry in your travel clutch!



Imaginary Bae

If I had a dollar for every time someone has asked me if I’m traveling alone, I’d be a rich woman. 9 times out of 10, my answer is no, followed by a beautifully fabricated story about my husband back at the hotel that retired from B613 and now works for the Secret Service as an emergency neck-breaker.

If you’re in a cab, tell the driver you’re meeting a friend. If you’re walking and someone gets extra chatty, tell them your man is waiting for you. While most questions are harmless small talk, this little white lie can dissuade shady characters from getting caught up with your imaginary associates.


Sasha on Vacation

We all love to look fabulous for those Instagram moments, but when exploring a foreign country solo, try not to draw too much attention to yourself. If you’re walking around looking like Queen Bey every day, then be ready for lingering stares and inquiries about your marital status (Not kidding. Folks will try to marry you swiftly for that green card!). Tone down the makeup, save the skimpy outfits for a single ladies trip, and allow your beauty to shine through in conversations with the people you meet.



One morning in Cali I rented this convertible and rode up Hwy 1!

One morning in Cali I rented this convertible and rode up Hwy 1. Awesome views off the coast!

I’m totally not a morning person, but when traveling Iv’e found it’s best to hit the streets early to make the most of daylight hours. Mornings are the best time to take walking tours, explore neighborhoods and get a feel for everyday life in that city. You’re probably fine to be out during happy hour and dinner time, but unless you’re meeting someone, once it gets late it’s best to head home or hang out near your hotel for the sake of safety.



Uber’s taxi service has expanded to 56 countries and counting, so if it’s offered in your destination, use it! The app stores tons of valuable information, including your driver’s name and license number, and tracks your location from beginning to end. You can even send your trip to a friend with an ETA, and if you leave something in the taxi, you can call the driver directly.

If Uber isn’t an option, snap a photo of the taxi’s license plate before you hop in, and carry small bills in local currency in case they claim to have no change.


tampon_moneyI know people who’ve been robbed at 4 star hotels, so don’t let your guard down just because there’s a mini-bar in your room. If there’s a safe, use it, and if not, don’t keep your cash all in the same place. Get creative by hiding it in places like your suitcase lining, prescription pill bottles, or at the bottom of tampon boxes, and lock your suitcase with a TSA lock for extra protection.




Met this lovely couple on a helicopter in Zambia and they helped us get into Victoria Falls for free!

While it seems counterintuitive, traveling solo as a woman is not your time to go completely off the grid. If you’re the type that shares frequently on social media, keep it up! If not, be sure to check in daily with someone back home. The same goes for the locals in your destination city. Whether it’s the bellhop at your hotel, or the barista at the local coffee shop, make an effort to say hi and make friends with the people you see each day.

I went to Zambia solo, but ended up connecting with @omartakespictures who was in town and captured all of the photos photos during  my crazy bridge swing. On my helicopter ride I made friends with the lovely couple pictured above who let us into their hotel so we could get reduced admission to see Victoria Falls. Being friendly with people you meet takes you out of the “foreign stranger” category, making it more likely for them to help you on your journey!



Sitting by the water in St. Kitts with Nevis in the distance

We all have that one friend or family member that swears we’ll be kidnapped or sold off to become the wife of a goat herder while traveling alone. Calm down. You’re going to be fine, and your trip is going to be amazing! Focus on what attracted to you to your destination in the first place, and you’ll soon join the thousands of women who venture out solo each day to experience the best of what this world has to offer.



Have you ever taken a trip abroad by yourself? Any tips or great memories for ladies nervous about taking their first solo adventure? Share the love and leave them in the comments below!


5 Reasons Johannesburg is Just Like Brooklyn

April 30, 2015

When I first started telling folks I was heading to Johannesburg,  you would have thought I said I was headed to war.

“Girl, be careful out there!”
“I hear it’s dangerous. Don’t go out at night!”
“It’s sorta hood. Kinda like Brooklyn.”

What? Have you been to Brooklyn lately? I mean sure, if you wander onto the wrong block wearing a fanny pack and looking like a lost puppy, then yes, you may be a target for a less-than-friendly welcome to the Big Apple. But right up the street there’s a nice organic gluten-free coffee shop that can probably give you directions back to your Red Bus to Manhattan.

The dichotomy between 90s hip-hop Brooklyn and vegan yoga Brooklyn is what I’ve grown to love about this place. And the same intersection of gritty street culture and gentrification is what made Johannesburg feel so wonderfully familiar when I visited for the first time last month. I spent most of my time in the neighborhoods of Maboneng, Braamfontein, and Soweto, and on multiple occasions felt like I was right at home in my own backyard. Here are a few awesome reasons why these 2 cities are both places I could call home forever:


Neighbourgoods Market in Johannesburg I Photo by @omartakespictures via

Neighbourgoods Market in Johannesburg I Photo by @omartakespictures via

30 seconds into my visit at the Neighbourgoods Market in Braamfontein and I was in foodie heaven! It’s just like Smorgasburg in Williamsburg with more selections and a full bar with craft cocktails. I stared at a massive vat of Paella so long that the cook probably thought I was gonna dive into it, and their grass-fed biltong is so flavorful it makes you forget you’re walking around with a paper bag full of meat shavings.

The vibe is very similar to any market in Brooklyn, with some coming to actually eat or shop, and others simply there to people-watch in their fedora hats and fancy sneakers. Do yourself a favor and come hungry. Your belly will thank you and you’ll come away with a deeper appreciation for the diversity of this underrated city.



Within 3 blocks of my Airbnb apartment in Maboneng I found enough artwork on the streets to curate a gallery at Target First Saturday in Brooklyn. Everything from photorealistic portraits to statement typography can be found on the streets of Johannesburg, with a cultural pride that was extremely refreshing. While some pieces have obviously been commissioned by local artists, many of the coolest pieces are found in guerilla style installations in obscure locations around the city.


Fixin Diaries #BrunchAndRide in Soweto I Photo by Sleepless in Soweto

Fixin Diaries #BrunchAndRide in Soweto I Photo by Sleepless in Soweto

You’re not really a Brooklyn hipster unless you spend weekends navigating the rugged streets of Fort Greene on your vintage bicycle and end with unlimited mimosas at brunch. My first day in Jozi I noticed a bike rental place near my apartment, but without knowing my way around, wrote it off as a great way to end up on the news in a foreign country.

Lo and behold I returned to Brooklyn only to discover Fixin’ Diaries, a hip bike crew who had just launched #BrunchAndRide trips for ladies! There’s also Soweto Bicycle Tours that offer daily rides for visitors to the township. If you have a free day in Johannesburg (or Brooklyn for that matter), take to the streets on a bicycle to get up close and personal with the culture that makes these cities so great.


Stitch & Steel Boutique in Maboneng, Johannesburg

Stitch & Steel Boutique in Maboneng, Johannesburg

My first afternoon in Maboneng I felt like I had walked onto the set of a Solange video! The ladies rocked afros and cool natural styles, and wore the same African-print pieces that have become so popular here in recent years. They were only outdone by the gentlemen, who sported colorful slacks and crisp blazers with vintage accessories to top it all off.

With both cities attracting so many budding artists and designers, Street Style has replaced Fashion Week as the place to find the hottest trends that real people actually wear. No matter how peculiar your style choice may be, you’ll be right at home at these hotbeds of cultural rebellion, where different is the new black.



You know it’s officially Summer in Flatbush when the Caribbean jerk stands pop up on sidewalks around town. There’s always some guy on the sidewalk roasting in the sun, inhaling clouds of smoke and scotch bonnet pepper until the meat is grilled to perfection.

In Johannesburg these outdoor grills are called Braii stands, and that same dude dying of smoke inhalation is still there, tending to the meat until it’s just right. While the seasonings and side dishes are different, the men gathered around the grill waiting for fresh braii to hit their takeout boxes was a familiar scene that made the streets of Johannesburg feel even more like home.


While the urban renaissance taking place in both Johannesburg and Brooklyn comes with growing pains, the kindred energy in these cities was a welcome reminder that communities around the world are often more similar than we realize. Whether you’re visiting from Brooklyn or elsewhere in the country, don’t be deterred by the negative press surrounding the city. Like most gems, you have to dig through a little dirt to get to the best treasures, but it’s always worth it!

Have you visited Jozi in recent years? What was your experience? Headed there this year and need more tips? Leave a comment below! 

Travel, Travel Tips

Hostel, Hotel or Airbnb? How to Choose Your Travel Home

April 25, 2015

This article originally appeared in Parlour Magazine

I’m a sucker for luxury accommodations but once I hit the age where splitting expensive rooms with eight friends was no longer cute, I searched for cheaper options. While there are many scenarios where a hotel is still your best bet, I’ve found that Airbnb homes and hostels have some awesome alternatives that are easier on your wallet.

On my latest journey through four countries, I had the privilege of staying in all three types of residences. Here are a few tips on how to select the right place for your next getaway!



Staying in a hostel is definitely a walk on the wild side but if you’d rather spend your money exploring your destination than sleeping, consider a hostel on your next trip abroad.

My first hostel experience was at Jollyboys Backpacker near Victoria Falls in Zambia. I was traveling solo so I opted for a private hut that had a full sized bed, a fan, a shelf, and a safe for my personal belongings. The shared bathroom was right outside my room and the common area was pretty lively all day with people sunbathing, chilling at the bar and cooling off in the pool.

Like most hostels, they also have dorm rooms which can run you as little as $5/night in some cities, but allow me to refresh your memory on that freshman year dorm life. You remember that guy who snores like he’s dying a slow death in his sleep? He’s in the bunk bed above you. And that girl who screams like a banshee every time her guy hits her happy place? She’s across the room giving you the play by play. So unless you’re a deep sleeper or have some really good earplugs, spring a few more dollars for a private room during your stay. You’ll still spend a fraction of most hotel costs and will be able to rest without waking up to any late night surprises!


Photo courtesy of Airbnb

Photo courtesy of Airbnb

If you truly want to immerse yourself in the culture you’re visiting, consider booking a room via Airbnb. You’ll stay in the home of a local resident and can book an entire home for half the price of a hotel room. I’ve stayed in Airbnb homes in Miami, Paris, Johannesburg and Cape Town. I love how the spaces make you feel at home instead of like a tourist in some chain hotel.

The company has grown exponentially since launching in 2008 with listings in over 35,000 cities across the world. For those of you looking to jet-set off to Cuba Jayoncé-style, you’re in luck! After the recent policy changes under the Obama administration, there are now over 1,000 Airbnb listings to choose from.

“For over 50 years, Cuba has been out of reach for most Americans. We couldn’t be more excited, starting [April 2], licensed U.S. travelers will now be able to experience the unique culture and warm hospitality that makes the island so special….” said Airbnb co-founder Nathan Blecharczyk.

Be patient during the booking process because their internet issues may take you back to the AOL dial-up days. But if you can work through that, Airbnb has some great options for your first trip to this previously forbidden country. And you might want to research exactly who you’re renting from, apparently five people own about half of the listing in Cuba.



If you’re traveling solo for the first time, I actually suggest skipping all the adventurous options and staying in a hotel or resort. They have 24-hour security which should ease some of your worries about safety and the front desk can help you with research you’d otherwise have to do on your own.

After two days of hostel living in Zambia, I stayed at the Protea Fire & Ice! Hotel in Johannesburg. With its chic décor and contemporary black and white photography, I had died and gone to bougie Black girl heaven! A delicious breakfast with South African dishes was included with our room and the concierge was able to recommend places to eat, party and shop in our neighborhood of Stanton.

Staying in a hotel takes the work out of travel and escaping work is half of the reason we leave in the first place. For romantic getaways or me time retreats, opt for a hotel. From dinner reservations and in-room spa services complimentary airport shuttles and bicycles for sightseeing, hotels are the best choice for people who want to spend less time planning their trip and more time enjoying it.

Do you prefer to save on your living space or live it up when you’re away? Have you tried an Airbnb home or hostel? Let me know in the comments below!

Brooklyn, Reviews

Bites, Booze & Brooklyn: Like A Local Food Tour

April 10, 2015

When I first moved to New York 10 years ago, friends who came to visit always wanted to see the major attractions: Times Square, Ground Zero, and anywhere Carrie went on Sex and the City. But over time I’ve found that people have become less interested in the landmarks you see on TV because that’s not real life in New York.

Real life in New York is when temperatures rise above 60 degrees and people flood every sidewalk brunch cafe for a long-awaited reunion with sunshine. Or when someone discovers a new new happy hour spot where your crew can blow off steam about your crazy job without burning a hole your wallet. It’s the cozy beer gardens and hidden gathering places that turn young and skeptical interns into ride-or-die lifers in this great city we all love.

Like a Local Tours has chosen to highlight this “real life” side of NYC with specialized tours in various neighborhoods in the city. Curious to see what they considered “a local,” I joined founder Lauren Beebe, and her team for their Boozy Brooklyn Food Tour in Williamsburg. I knew the tour was authentic when the first 2 stops were places I actually frequent, but was pleased to discover many new places that I had never been!

If you’re visiting New York for the first time and are willing to break away from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan, check out their Sunday Funday tour! Below are a few highlights from the tour, and some tips for your trip.


Station Restaurant - Like a Local Tour

Station Restaurant (Voted 100 Best Brunches in America by OpenTable)

Our group met here at Station restaurant, right outside the Bedford stop on the L train. They suggest having brunch at Station or somewhere nearby before it starts so you get the full Brooklyn brunch experience.

Street Art by Eduardo Kobra feat Andy Warhol & Jean-Michel Basquiat

Street Art by Eduardo Kobra feat Andy Warhol & Jean-Michel Basquiat

On our way to the brewery we passed this dope mural by Eduardo Kobra that makes a pretty cool statement about street art using the likeness of Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Click here for more of his work.


Brooklyn Brewery - Like a Local Tours

Brooklyn Brewery

I’ve actually been to Brooklyn Brewery with my bike crew (How Brooklyn is that? Ride to a beer garden to drink craft beer and then hop on your hipster bike to ride home wasted with that warm and fuzzy feeling.) However, I wasn’t aware they had so many offerings here. From daily tours for die-hard brewers, to foodie events like this grilled-cheese cook-off, there’s a lot to do here even if you’re not into beer.


Mable's Smokehouse & BBQ Grill

Mable’s Smokehouse & BBQ Grill

I’ll keep it real. I’m super skeptical of Southern food in New York. So when we stepped foot in Mable’s my expectations were fairly low. But one forkful into their pulled pork will make you a believer. I shamelessly cleaned the little cups you see in the photo, and made a mental note to stop by next time I’m in the neighborhood!

It’s also really cool that this place is a family-owned business. A couple who threw backyard BBQ’s using their grandmother Mable’s recipes opened it up to honor her legacy. If you need any more reason to check this place out, watch the video above.


IMG_2166This place gets a high five from me on the simple fact they once had Cornbread, Pecan Pie, and Banana Puddin’ ice cream (with an apostrophe) on their menu! There’s a long list of wild flavors they’ve tried in their almost 2 years of business, and pride themselves on hormone and additive free-ingredients. If dairy makes your tummy sad, you’re in luck! They sell Lactaid pills at the register. I hear this place gets packed in the summertime, so the earlier you get in the door, the better!


Brooklyn Oenology - Like a Local Tours

Brooklyn Oenology Local-based Winery

So before you ask, no, there are no vineyards in Brooklyn (frankly that’s probably a good thing). Brooklyn Oenology is a “locally-focused” winery based in Williamsburg that works with New York vineyards for the product, and local artists for the labels. I chose a white wine for my tasting which was okay, but I’d need a full tasting to accurately rate their selection. Perhaps they can invite me back during their $1 oyster happy hour to sample their full range of wines. No pressure.



My stomach has a love-hate relationship with chocolate, so unfortunately I had to skip the tasting at Mast Brothers. However, when you walk in the door there’s these big bags of cocoa beans that make it very clear that they are serious about their chocolate. They offer tours if you want to see the process, and from what I hear, if you love dark chocolate, you’ll love their bars!


Overall, if you live in Brooklyn and are familiar the funky hip vibe of weekends in Williamsburg, this tour will come with few big surprises. But if you’re coming from out of town, this a great alternative to being shuffled around with the herds of tourists in Manhattan. Start off your day with brunch in the area, then enjoy the walking tour with Lauren and her team. You’ll come away with a better sense of what life is really like here, and an appreciation for the small businesses that continue to thrive in The Big Apple.